Will the world end in our life time?
Many people can see the signs of the times, we all see the world becoming more chaotic and divided.
Will the world end in you lifetime? This is a perfect question for anyone living right now. No matter your political or religious views you find yourself asking “how much longer can this last?” We all have seen the news and depending on our views we may see the world ending differently. There is no way to put a date on it, so please don’t fall for that. We all can think of about a dozen ways things can go horribly wrong from super volcanoes erupting to solar flares and nukes. There is no shortage of man made and natural ways we could be snuffed from existence.
The technological apocalypse

What would the technological dooms day be like? I can only speak from my view so I will do my best to lay out the future and how we may still find a hope. That we may still have enough time to make changes that can abate disaster. Looking into the future we see technology rising to more and more dominance in our lives. From the interactions in our home, car and businesses, technology follows us everywhere. This is just one of the many Apocalypse scenarios.
In this chain of events nothing is done to abate the progressive evolution of A.I. and learning machines. We can and do see technology like Nauralink and DARPA robots advancing the frontiers of what is possible. The greatest apex of robotics and technology is nano-tech and more specifically the self replicating, autonomous machines that at the nano level can come together to form bigger and more specialized machines hmm sounds like evolution. Nanites with this ability can disappear as a car and come back as a plane or tree stump. They can enter your body and turn your brain to nothing and eat you from the inside out. This of course is only a possibility not a certainty.
This technology would likely be able to mimic any animal or humanoid design. This allows them to be almost indistinguishable from our pets and loved ones. They could theoretically replace the muscle in your body and move you without you moving. They could drive and fly as well, making a uprising against these overlords almost impossible. Unfortunately it gets worse, they could combine with us, this allows a immortal body to be formed. Some humans might try and become the machines before they take us over or are used to subjugate us. They would use tech like Nauralink to download their brain into the machine and if the machine body dies you just transfer into a new one via the cloud.
This may not seam that bad until you consider these human brained robots don’t need food or water. They do not need heat or A/C, reproduction or even religion. They are not human and their needs and wants are incompatible with our needs and wants. At some point we would reach a impasse where we have only two choices, become them or be destroyed. Humanity would be at odds, on one side you have “evil” people who put their individual right to freedom before the good of mankind. I would be one of them. We would reject the idea that in order to save the earth from overpopulation and climate change we must give up our humanity. We would be the new terrorist according to the media. Our values would be synonyms with evil.
We would also be told that marriage is no longer necessary since robots do not reproduce and we should be free to experience whatever sexuality our new bodies have the capacity to experience. There would be no limits on who we could have sex with since even a child could become immortal. Eugenics would make a come back, since the controllers need the best specimens to convert into hybrids or new robot bodies. So they might keep some normal humans around for that purpose. This defiantly not a future we should strive for.
If you don’t believe this is possible than look up sex robots, they are even being given AI and facial expressions. Men are leaving natural women and going full digisexual. Another natural consequence of abandoning the male, female para-dime.
The rise of the New World Order.

This danger is almost unavoidable since all the major dictators seem hell bent on controlling all of earth. This is better understood if you know about the bilderberg meeting. The satanic elite want to roll all governments into a one world order. This has been the plan from the start for Lucifer. In case you think this is far fetched look up modern satanic rape, sacrifice and other crimes as well as the skull and bones society.
If you have read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 you are familiar with dystopia. The world of the future is bleak and controlled with fear, propaganda and technology. The Technology of the previous scenario is part of the NWO they either use it to subjugate us, kill us and just spy on us. We cannot go anywhere without being tracked. That technology is already in use now in various forms.
A Dystopic Future.
They will enforce the rule that all people who wish to buy or sell must have a chip implant. This will first come to us like it is now, a voluntary program for some people so we can get used to the idea. After a while a we will see more terror attacks or mass shootings and they will say “the chip could have stopped it”. If we all have the chip to drive, fly and enter schools and courts we could be safe. We can have a simple justice system with very few rules and the only penalties are jail, death and losing your chip.

No freedom, freedom is slavery. No liberty either, we would be completely controlled by the Luciferian NWO. pedofilia would be part of this legal system. I covered a tedx talk where the speaker promoted the idea that we need to think differently about pedofilia. The logical conclusion of that would be accepting it as part of LGBT.
The Christian would be the main target of the NWO and once some one takes the chip they lose who they are. They seem like them but they have changed and can never be redeemed. That mark is the mark of Satan and Christians would reject it.
This is shown by pundits like Bill Nye saying that climate deniers ( by extension creationists) should be arrested or charged. This is the first sign of our coming future. We as people need to realize that the way to genocide is always paved with picking off the week and minorities first. The people who have no loud voice to cry out with. In this way you can eradicate all the groups by first turning them against each other. Tell the black people that whites are responsible for their failures. Say all men are members of the patriarchy and are responsible for subjugating woman.
How many people would fight against the silencing of followers of Christ? How many people would fight for a Muslim or Jew? Divided we care much less about the targeting of groups we have been trained to hate or doubt.
A new Hope.
In the bible there is a city Niveveh,
Matthew 12:41 41The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.
Jonah 3:10 10When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.
Luke 11:32 32The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and now something greater than Jonah is here.
This city repented and God spared judgement on them. The End of the world is no different. We have to be complicit in it, we either practice what will end our common way of life or we take no action to stop it. No matter what we do or chose not to do we enable the end to come. The only way we can change the future from a apocalypse to a beautiful and free future is to repent and seek God once again.
I know that I am a better person with Christ than without and there are no shortage of Christians who will tell you the same thing. We all love God and our fellow man. We are commanded by Yashua to love our enemy and our neighbor equally.

Even though we do not need to be Christians to practice or appreciate the values of the faith. Do all things with love, honor your father and mother, do not kill or lie. The values of the bible are the bedrock that was the foundation of our modern bill of rights.
If we want to save the future we most start with ourselves. Then we must fix our homes, then our neighborhoods. We start small and act with love and kindness while we share the truth of Jesus Christ (Yashua). If Jesus can make a bad man good just think what He can do for a entire Nation.
Thank you for reading, please leave a comment if you want. Please share this with a friend or coo-worker do your part to fight the NWO! I pray you have a great day Yashua bless!