MASK EXCEPTION FORMS. This is the Religious one I found, I did not create it but…

COVID; postmortem

COVID 19 is finally over but in order to make this reality well known, we need…

Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed. Must see.

I pray to God every day that people who wake up will find Yeshua (Jesus). It…

Is flat earth crazy?

Is flat earth crazy? To understand any idea or theory you must first have the mental…

The Illusion of personal choice.

The Illusion of personal choice. We all like to think that we have made good choices…

UFO’s and the alien deception.

UFO’s and the alien deception. UFO’s used to fascinate me I dreamed of contact or fighting…

Are dinosaurs still alive today?

Why do you think they are dead to begin with? The answer is obvious that is…

9/11 was a inside job

9/11 was a inside job. It was 18 years ago when the world trade centers 1,…

21 Questions about Flat Earth.

21 Questions about Flat Earth. 01. Where’s the edge? 02. Where does the sun go if…

Dorian and weather modification.

Dorian and weather modification. Some on said recently that Dorian might be controlled. There was something…

What is “Truth”.

What is “Truth”. Recently Opera Winfrey stated that the most important thing we can do is…

Evolution debunked.

Darwin’s beliefs.      Charles Robert Darwin Author of ” On the Origin of Species by…

Better than youtube?

This site is a YouTube alternative, it doesn’t give you opposite results of what you search…

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