COVID-19 full investigation.

“Normal legal disclaimer”.. basically use the brain God gave you 😉

Any reasonable reporter would do a full investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately no reporter has done that. Not Fox news, CNN, MSNBC or any local paper or news station. How do I know?

I know because I did. I started by looking at the medical community. I looked at doctors and PHD’s who where blowing the whistle on Pasteur.

“Louis Pasteur was a French biologist, microbiologist and chemist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of diseases, and his discoveries have saved many lives ever since. ” Wikipedia.

Pasteur verses Bechamp. The Virus and Germ theory fraud.

Pasteur should have been known as the most evil and backwards man in science, stealing pasteurization from Bechamp. Whenever I investigate a subject I start at the beginning of the thing. Viruses, Germs and Vaccines all where defined and profiled by Louis Pasteur . He defined viruses and germs as the cause of disease. Antoine Bechamp proved through meticulous research that the terrain is everything, diseased body/cells attract bacteria and viruses not the other way around.

Pasteur claimed that vaccines can treat or prevent illness. Ever since their invention doctors have tirelessly decried vaccines for causing the very diseases they claim to prevent. In fact vaccines are the biggest fraud of the last few centuries. COVID shows how those in control lie, use fear and cause us to voluntarily inject ourselves with the very sicknesses we fear. When they manifest the doctor tells us we were just one of the few with “negative reactions”. With full knowledge of how the body works we have no reason to fear germs or viruses. The job of the media is to brainwash us to believe that vaccinating, wearing masks and social distancing will save us. The never can. Even IF I believed germ theory, all these measures make the “outbreak” worse. We all know we develop immunity from exposure not isolation.

Principles of Micromorphology

From “Who had their finger on the magic of life” International journal of vaccines and vaccination.

While some of the ideas Bechamp addressed predated him, they had not been so clearly described, fully developed, or strongly supported by experimentation. It is said there is nothing new under the sun. If true, it may be because all things, or situations, exist at once in the Creation. It is a matter of perspective, much like looking at a tapestry. Bechamp’s perspective allows us to step back from tight focus and see the loose threads of the germ theory amidst a harmonious and astounding pattern of the life process. He had his “finger” on the magic of life. According to Hume [2], the essence of what he brought to us was as follows: First, he demonstrated that the air is filled with microscopic organisms capable of fermenting any suitable medium on which they happen to land. He showed that the chemical change is carried out by a soluble ferment produced by the organism, and this ferment is analogous to the digestive juices of the stomach. Thus, he identified fermentation as a digestive process. (Young [6] theorizes that all decomposition, even the rusting of steel, is mediated by ferments. It is known, for example that bacteria decompose rock into soil. Microorganisms are at or near the foundation of all life and life processes on Earth. For example, fungal forms are indispensable parts of the roots of most plants, including the largest trees.)

Secondly, the most profound conclusion to which Bechamp’s untiring and painstaking research led him is that there is an independently living micro anatomical element in the cells and fluids of all organisms. This element precedes life at the cellular level, even the genetic level, and is the foundation of all biological organization. What originally piqued Antoine’s procreative curiosity was the discovery, somewhat by accident, that pure chalk from geological deposits at least 11 million years old would liquefy starch and ferment sugar solutions, while man-made chalk would not. After years of work tracking down the cause (fermentation was not understood at the time), he attributed the action to the living remains of organisms long dead. He called this tiny living element a “microzyma,” or small ferment.

Thirdly, he claimed that microzymas routinely become forms normally referred to as bacteria, and that bacteria can revert or devolve to the microzymian state. (This is the principle of pleomorphism, which is central to understanding the appearance of “infectious” and degenerative disease symptoms in the body.)

Fourthly, he explained that atmospheric germs are not fundamental species, but are either microzymas, or their evolutionary forms, set free from their former vegetable or animal habitat by the death of that “medium.”

Bechamp explained: “The microzyma is at the beginning and end of all organization. It is the fundamental anatomical element whereby the cellules, the tissues, the organs, the whole of an organism are constituted.” He referred to microzymas as the builders and destroyers of cells. The quotation emphasizes the constructive aspect of microzymian activity and purpose, but it is the destructive aspect, or the “end of all organization,” which concerns us in disease. He always found microzymas remaining after the complete decomposition of a dead organism, and concluded that they are the only non-transitory biological elements. In addition, they carry out the vital function of decomposition, or they are the precursors of beings (bacteria, yeasts and fungi) which do so. Thus, he clearly presented the idea that the physical life of higher biological forms arises from, is dependent upon, and is recycled by, microscopic beings. Simple, immediate proof of dependence is the indispensable bacterial population in the human GI tract. And it adds piquancy to the whole matter to consider that our digestive and metabolic associates are plants. The crucial “catabolic” aspect of microzymian behavior enters the picture when the body becomes diseased, for, according to Bechamp:

In a state of health, the microzymas act harmoniously and our life is, in every meaning of the word, a regular fermentation. … In a condition of disease, the microzymas which have become morbid determine in the organism special changes . . . which lead alike to the disorganization of the tissues, to the destruction of the cellules and to their vibrionien evolution during life.

The microzyma is an organized (insoluble) ferment: a living element. Controlled fermentation is a vital physiological process. For example, it is utilized as a means of breaking down toxins in intercellular fluid and the lymphatics. Also, some commercial dietary fiber products contain acacia and slippery elm. These soluble fibers ferment in the gut, resulting in short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate and acetate, which are highly beneficial to the colon wall. Bechamp published a paper (still in French) about the role of microzymas in the production of salivary diastase (ptyalin). Since there are microzymas in every cell, in the blood and intercellular milieu, it is likely that many vital substances, mostly enzymes, are produced by them or by their complexes.

Bechamp said that the process of cellular breakdown is mediated by microzymian fermentation-even in a healthy body. Though there is renewal happening as well, breakdown fermentation (aging) eventually takes over, greatly increasing in intensity upon death. When oxidative metabolism ceases and a body dies, negative surface charges are lost and the terrain goes acid. Microzymas respond to biochemical signals, the most important being pH. The condition of disease is a milieu which presents to the microzymas a premature biochemical signal that the organism is dead. They consequently change their function and evolve into forms capable of more vigorous fermentative breakdown-forms that reflect disease-what Bechamp called “morbidly evolved microzymas.” If the host pays no attention while it is still feasible to adjust, s/he will be recycled sooner than would otherwise be the case.

The simple version.

Antoine Bechamp was a brilliant man, devote Christian and by any measure a amazing scientist. He died without ever being recognized for his discoveries. He labored for love and truth.

COVID-19 is a symptom of our sick bodies. We need to make better decisions about what we eat. We also should try to eat and drink the most natural things we can. A good rule of thumb is “If God didn’t make it, and the disciples didn’t eat it…neither should I”

We need to calm down and think rationally. We all know that COVID positive people can be asymptomatic. A fancy way of saying healthy. If COVID makes people sick, why are there healthy people with COVID?

Why do “Disease causing bacteria” appear in healthy people? Because they do not cause disease they flourish in diseased bodies.

Why do people who get the vaccines always end up getting cancer? Vaccines..

Why do parents say vaccines cause autism? Because It does.

Germ theory is a lie. God created us in his image. We are more than just a body. We are trillions of microscopic beings. We are are own little miniverses. God warned us that the wages of sin are death. Before we die what usually happens? We get sick right? Its our choices that make us sick not the choice of our friends and neighbors. God built in a warning system. We should be smart enough to see right through this whole plandemic. When I looked into the 1918 Spanish flu I came across scientist who tied vaccines and wireless technology to the outbreak as the root cause.

Right now we have 5g going live, and new towers going up every day. We also have sick people with sick hearts and minds. We forgot the two greatest commandments “Love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.” The second is like to it, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What possible drawback is there to loving God and your fellow man?

PLEASE SHARE, This information is censored so the only way people will know the truth is if you share it! People can and will die if we do not calm the fear. God bless and God speed.

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