Why do mass shootings happen?

We have all heard the Myth about the dangerous white males in our society but have we ever stopped to wonder if that is true and why are man lashing out like this?
Mass shootings are not the product of just white men and until I wrote this I did not even know that. Learn more here. As I looked into it I realized even though I try and keep my head on strait and prevent any lies and misinformation from entering I cannot be 100% infallible. This is terrifying since I work tirelessly to pursue the truth. How many others might have contradictory views creeping into their worldviews.
Men are the majority of mass killers and since they are about 50% of the population in the US they are disproportionately represented in the statistics. Blacks, Hispanics and Immigrants (in some studies) are also represented. Taking all mass killing as a whole we can see that there is no truth to the myth that white men are the problem.
It is men in general. The sad thing is that men may be the mass shooters but its the Government, Doctors, the feminist ideology and the political left that is at the root of these crimes. The Government allows the mass killing of people by facilitating the conditions for murder. These conditions are the perfect storm for the mass shooter and other mass killers. The dreaded “Gun free zone” let your mind be void of all presumptions, the gun free zone has been quite prevalent in mass shootings since it disarms all the good people so they cannot fight back unless they break the law.
Woman benefit the most from Gun ownership since they are physically weaker than the average man. Yes I know this is not considered reality by most but just go to the gym for an hour. The Gun is the great equalizer. Our government knows that legal guns save lives. The problem is the left of this country aims to take all our rights and the logical fist steps are guns and freedom of speech. Doctors need to do more to reopen the closed mental health facilities that used to house dangerous people. They also need to quit with the itchy prescription pad finger. They prescribe far to many drugs in large part thanks to lawyers who love to work with government, dang even my head is spinning. The bottom line is that the people with power are the facilitators of mass murder.
Freedom of speech, the first domino.

We all like to say that we have freedom of speech but if we think about it, that “right” is dependent on our protected class status. You cannot talk about abortion if your not a women, is a common line of the left. You also should not hit on woman since that might be misogyny. Ladies if woman were slapping my butt, hitting on me and asking for my number I would be ecstatic as would 99% of rational men. If you ask us if this should happen we would also say no. It is not the woman’s job to chase the man. Now what does this have to do with shootings? The truth is men are suffering, this type of behavior does not exist when people have a happy life.

Men are being attacked for being men. Take the wage gap as a example, most men know that they are not responsible for woman being paid less than men. It is the woman who make the career choices that lead to less pay or less hours. Just look up all the jobs woman dominate in, like teaching and medicine. Men like engineering, construction, demolition etc, these are dirty, dangerous and smelly jobs. Ask your trash man next time you see him if any woman work for the trash company and what do they do? I bet they are the secretary and they make less than the guy picking up your trash.
Then there is the rape culture thing we have to deal with. This narrative pigeon holes men as rapist and predators. Sometimes when you yell that men are evil, rapists, misogynists they might start to act like that. The weak men at least. This also scares woman from wanting to do anything with men. I mean if all woman might rape me, or kill me I doubt I would be interested in dating. Would you?
These are the fruits of feminism in the modern era. This ideology attacks men and woman and drives us apart. We were designed as each others perfect helpers. Now we fight more than ever. This is the first domino so to speak since we are now in a America that chastises men for being men and woman for being woman. All that being said, lack of freedom of speech is not the ultimate cause, nor is it the attack on natural masculinity and femininity. To find the true culprit we must dive deeper.

The root of mass shootings and there cause.
The real reason all mass shootings and major crime as a whole happens is all one in the same. This is the moral crisis, our people are divorced from love and truth. This is the ultimate cause. Whenever I found myself filled with anger and pondered violence as a solution, a calm voice of Yashua says “thou shalt not kill, love thy enemy”. I love God and will not disobey his commands so I know no matter how evil a person is I must love them.
Luke 6: 27-38 Says “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those that spitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. 30 Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. 31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.32 “But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. 35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, [a]hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. 36 Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.37 “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
The problem with “Christians” today is they are the watered down diet cola type, in stead of the type that will fight the good fight. One fight all Christians, atheists and every other person who wants a safer America should take on is the reversal of scopes monkey trial from 1925, that landmark decision allowed God and the Bible to be summarily kicked out of schools and with it our moral foundation.

When a Christian is persecuted they are told to respond with kindness not hate or revenge. Compare this with the left who attacks anyone with a red hat or attempts to gun down republicans at a baseball game in DC. The Southern Poverty Law center is one of the biggest hate groups I have seen, they lump Christians, Jews and Muslims into hate groups if they do not practice the ideas the Law center thinks they should adhere to.
I found one of the churches on their list and went to the actual home page the organization was called RESTORED ASSEMBLY OF ELOHIM the main reason they were classified as a hate group was the protection of southern heritage. They make the point that before you destroy a people you first destroy they’re culture.
Extermination of our shared culture.
This brings me to the cultural aspect of all of this. We in America are never taught what our culture is or was. We are never told why America was formed in such a way that we hold fast to it way into our adult lives. The truth of America and what it means to the world is “to prevent the Apocalypse.” Hear me out. This country was a first, we as humans never had a society built around freedom, liberty and individual rights. All of our history up until the 1700’s was based on kinds, queens, emperors and regents.
America was founded on the Bible and the precepts in it. The rights we all know, come from scripture. The right to speech comes from a Christians right to go and proclaim the good news to all peoples. God gave all of us that right. The right to life comes from our divine origins, and the command that we do not kill others. This respect for life also gives us the right to defend our life if some one attempts to take it. Life of a child in the womb is also divine and deserving of respect and protection.
Every right in the bill of rights comes from the Bible. America comes from the shared struggles we all have faced. Not a single one of us can say we do not deserve to be here. None of can say we do not belong to the American culture. The culture of the bible is the best first step and the second is owning our heritage.
We are one people, the american people. We are one color, Red white and blue. We are one creed, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (based on the bible). We must unite and defend this culture and be the people we want to see in society. We wait for hero’s to save us then we will fail. God calls us all to action, we must spread truth and love to all the people in all the lands.
Mass shooting would end if you did these three things.
- Reverse Scopes 1925 trial and start teaching the Bible and Love of Jesus in schools.
- Eliminate all gun laws, ammo laws, any laws about weapons. Ban private business restriction on weapons.
- Lock people up in appropriate facilities, jail for criminals and medical institutions for insane people.
The first action is the most important. Once people learn about the bible it will change everything. Now people lie and mislead people that the bible says respect all laws and rulers. This is only true so long as the rulers obey the bible. If man decided that all people must lie, or steal would it be good for us to do that? Of course not. We must think with rational minds that God has given us.
Hey if you liked what you read please share it! If you didn’t share it too! Leave a comment about your thoughts. As always Yashua bless, much love and have a great day!
FBI statistics 2018: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2018-041019.pdf/view Center for Inquiry: https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/who-are-mass-shooters-mass-shooter-demographics-part-2/