When America saved England with Guns.

One day as a child I sat before my grandfather listening attentively, his story was simple but important. One day shortly after the Miracle of Dunkirk the English people cried out for guns as most of theirs had been left on the shores of Dunkirk during the Miraculous evacuation. They were defenseless in the face of the Nazi German advance.
So the American committee for defense of British homes ran the pictured ad in the November 1940 American Rifleman magazine. My grandfather only recalls sending guns and how others sent guns as well to help them defend themselves.
But my grandfather was not happy with how the story ended. As soon as the threat of Nazi’s was gone the British Government just threw the guns in the English channel. “Those Idiots” He would say, “Why the hell would they do that? See if we help them again!” As Christians we would help them next time even though they probably would do the same thing.

They gave up as a nation their divine God given right to own guns. Yes God gives all people the right to own a gun. This is not the status quo. The commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is the command that lead to the creation of our right to defend our life. No one has a right to take your life, but without a gun in your hands criminals have that right granted to them by the government.
Let us never be in that situation since there will be no one for us to ask! Maybe Sweden would help but the number of countries that have citizens with guns seams to decrease every day. Satan when he comes to power or the Anti-Christ would certainly not want a armed populace. I know dictators never want the people to be armed. Let us never be deceived about guns, they are necessary for a free Republic.
If we do not guns they will take our freedom of speech and with it our right to talk about the bible, Yashua (Jesus) and Elohim (God). This would effect the Jew, Muslim and Atheist as well. So if you do not want to lose your rights share this with everyone you know. Thank you, Yashua bless and have a great day!