Who are they?
There are people, who according to the bible only broke off (as did all other “races”) during the tower of Babel incident (2242 BC). When all these new people groups had been given new language they, by necessity grouped together and at that time were likely all one color with very few white or black people. The reason for this genetics. White and black are the extremes of our human color spectrum. The most normal mix is somewhere in the middle. It also increases variation in the gene pool as far as possible skin colors go. Back to the point the people from that event who settled in sunny southern climates adapted and became the Black people we know today.

Is it just them?
No, of course not. They are victims of a broken political ideology one who’s roots are firmly planted in racism. I am talking of course about the democratic party. The party that based it’s entire existence on racism and slavery. Those evil people whatever their color or gender are democrats.
Now they do share some of the blame. They were never forced into these welfare programs but who can blame them? We all say yes to free stuff on occasion, knowing full well there is no such thing as free. These democratic programs encouraged mothers to have children out of wedlock. While at the same time told fathers they did not need to take any moral or fiscal responsibility for their own child. After all the Government has it covered. Plus there is the added benefit of having black people on programs they would not soon vote away and by extension the democrats knew they could change the cotton to the vote.
Just to be clear these systems don’t care about what color you are so white people fall into the same trap. The greater reason this is occurring is that if the black communities of this nation decided to unite with their white brothers and sister than they might find they have more than enough power to change the way things are run in this country.
What needs to change?
- The Father/ Husband: Without a good man and by good I do mean a moral righteous man, you cannot have good sons or daughters. The father shapes young men into a image of himself as God did with Adam. The father teaches the daughter what to look for in a good man. He also lend his help in selecting a good Man for her. Parents should be involved in the dating process so all the men just looking for that one “thing” don’t even get close.
- The Mother/ Wife: She teaches women how to be, well women. She is responsible for teaching and nurturing. They are the good cop in the relationship.She is also the wife of the husband, don’t forget your children are 75% more likely to get a home, graduate college and be part of the middle class if you are married.
- Don’t play the blame game: Too many people black and otherwise, place blame and complain rather than using that disdain as a driving force to reach a position of power where they can exercise some positive change of their own.
- Change yourself: You have all the power to change yourself. You don’t need a politician to do that for you. This is how you can make a huge change right now. If you want to be a better person get out the bible and start reading. God says were are all one in Yashua (Jesus).
- Proper English: No Ebonics, This new talk that is used in black communities is a repackaged form of their slave language. It is oxymoronic to practice speaking as if you are not educated when you are free to be educated and that should be a blessing to those who want to learn. This new “culture” undermines any effort the black community attempts to make since no employer wants to hire some one who talks like that and if its between 2 black people and one speaks normal “white” talk, they will likely be hired. That goes for any white folk who talk like that as well.