Mental illness is normalized.
We seem to have forgotten what mental illness looks like. If i decide that I should be a horse and Gallup around crapping on the roads and kicking people who walk up behind me am I sane? Am I sane if I think I am God? Am I sane if I think I can fly? Would anyone be sane if they though at any moment they could be whatever they like, sorry officer I am a rock right now so I can’t talk. Sanity of mind comes from knowing the truth. God (YHVH, YHWH, Yahovah, Yahweh.) created Man with a penis and two testicles, the testicles create the sperm that the penis ejaculates into the vagina of the woman. If they are blessed by God the sperm will find the egg and a baby human will be conceived.
Men are made by Elohim in the image of God. Men are made to work and protect. Science through the scientific method proves that Men are not woman and vice versa. Men are genetically, mentally, physically and chemically different. Click here for more: Secrets of Men. We all know this to be true unless your suffering from delusions or illusions. Satan himself has set up the LGBT movement to destroy humanity and remake it in His satanic image. When we get to live with God on earth we will have none of the things of this world for the old world will pass away. Rev 21:1 Even the seas will pass away. Think about that. Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Some may argue Galatians allows for LGBT behavior. The question is does God define what Male and Female is? He does He made man in his image Genesis 1:27. He made Woman out of man Genesis 2:22. We were made to be separate. Our God made it clear that Men should never sleep with men like they do with woman Leviticus 18:22. Some theologians argue that these rules were made by Moses. That is true but all the rules he was making was to try and curb the disobedience of his people. They didn’t listen then and we still shut our ears to God today.
There are many questions about this new earth and what it may be like. But the main point here is Men and Women are not able to change genders. God knows this and any real christian should know this. Any and all scientist’s should know this. Everyone (who is sane) knows this! The sad truth is that many people think that you can change into the opposite gender and be that gender. You can also force all schools, courts and churches to abide by your view of yourself. What did Jesus do when the 5000 were hungry, he fed them with a miracle. What did Jesus say about going town to town in Luke, Matthew and Mark he tells us to take no money and be worth your work.
Speak up and use your voice!
Our voice is not a hard work to do. We know the truth. We know right from wrong. That is the whole reason that we fell in Eden. The problem is that we have forgotten how to be human. Using Logic and reason with emotion as a minor influence and experience being key. We have to trust our senses. The world may not be as simple or as complicated as you think.
We let these acts of obvious insanity go on for many reasons. We think it’s kind. We never ask would that be acceptable for you or anyone you know? Could normal strait people have pride parades like that? Almost all LBGT propaganda is in your face now. Trying to find any contrary opinion is looking for a needle in a haystack. In order to stand tall on this and any subject remember you have the play book of the creation in the Bible. Even if you do not recognize it. The best reason to appose this is for the sake of those it will hurt. This is not something people tend to be happy with. The prevalence of depression, suicide and other disease is not encouraging. Then of course there is the top reason, it is a sin. The next lines are from mainstream news who have no problem promoting this insane and perverse life style.
“As a transgender man, Trystan Reese feels “profoundly blessed” to be able to carry his first biological child with partner Biff Chaplow.” –People
“Reese, who was assigned the female gender at birth, posted a video in March explaining his decision to carry a baby as a transgender man.”I’m OK with my body being a trans body,” he said. “I’m OK being a man who has a uterus and has the capacity and capability of carrying a baby.” CNN
6,000 children have died from this!
Between 2004 and June 30 of this year, the FDA documented 33,478 adverse reactions suffered by patients who took Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron), which is used as a hormone blocker. More than 19,054 reactions were considered “serious,” including 6,056 deaths. christianpost.com
Men do not have the capacity to carry babies. I will not apologize for facts. John Hopkins University Psychiatrist says Transgender is a Mental Disorder close to 80% of kids grow out of the transgender mentality. When these mentally ill woman have children and raise them, do you think they will let them grow out of it? No they put them on hormone blockers which is evil child abuse. Seriously Kids are dying by the thousands. They rush them to make the decision to change. These people are mentally ill and have no problem spreading their philosophy. This is very Satanic and dangerous. These people need help not acceptance.
If we cared about this issue than we should seek to help those who are misguided and think this lifestyle is OK. We should always speak up against this mentality that gender is fluid.
No Atheist or Christian should allow child abuse and death. No righteous person would allow mental illness and perverse attitudes to permeate every aspect of our culture. We have to stand up and speak up. I would never advise standing on any authority other than the bible. Science does prove that Men and Woman are unique and different. We have to stop LGBT before some politician champions perverted sinful retardation into law. That may seem like strong language until you consider what laws would be used. There is already talk that strait people have no right to know of the person they are dating was a different gender. More here. They even say you have to date some one who is trans if they align with who you normally would date.
I will never advocate for a single step back. By that I mean we should not simply reject trans people but the entire LGBT spectrum. The reason and logic behind this is simple. Transgender people are not sane or normal they are mentally ill perverts and they came from the LGBT movement. If we reject Trans people but not Lesbians ,Gays and Bisexuals than we will have this whole debate again in 20 years. If we reject the LGBT movement as a whole we could set it back a good 50-70 years. I would not appose laws preventing LGBT behavior in public. We need sanity and sexual accountability. We should never have sex before marriage. We should never have Children out of wedlock. We should never use Gods name in vain.
Reverend Martin Luther King’s own daughter has openly taken a strong stance against gay activism. In 2005, the Rev. Bernice King led a march to her father’s grave, asking for a constitutional ban on gay marriage. https://www.christianpost.com
Ever since I was a child I loved and looked up to MLK as a hero. I never saw his color because like him I knew we all were one color. Adam and Eve were our great great ( insert more greats) grandparents. We all are part of God’s beautiful creation. I remember my Catholic grade school showing the time travel adventures of the Reverends grandson.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Reverend King would never and has left no evidence of support for sinful behavior. God does not change no matter what politics may change. The people of this world can do whatever they like but the earth is still. The sun will rise and set. The moon will still giver her light. Perverting Gods design for men and woman will always be a sinful departure from his perfect plan for all of us.
I love you and God loves you, no matter who you are. This message is meant to condemn your sin but offer you saving grace. God sent Jesus to die for your sins. You can be saved and have a normal life. You too can get married and have kids with a person who is your opposite. You can have Joy and Love! Please consider what Reverend King said to a young man. If you have a honest question about why you feel odd attractions than you are already on the path to fixing it with God’s help and a Godly Psychologist.