What is “Truth”.
Recently Opera Winfrey stated that the most important thing we can do is tell “our truth”. If you don’t think about the statement than you may say “eh what’s wrong with that?” That is a perfect question. Whats wrong is clear, there is no such thing as “your truth”. Think of it in practice, go to your bank and say my truth is I have 100,000 in my account. The teller will tell you no, you have 10.50. Who is telling the actual truth? The teller of course, truth is always absolute.
Absolute truth means we all share it. The truth cannot change due to our personal beliefs. You can believe there is no God, but if you follow that to its logical conclusion then there is no need for law, or morality. Why would there be any visible organization in nature? Logic and reason are gifts from God, we have every reason to say I am a christian because I know science. Science is not truth, science is a method to reach truth. Think, if science is truth than it cannot be a method to reach the truth. Furthermore we need God if we are to trust our senses, he said he created Man in his image and created Eve from Man. Since God created the universe we would be logical and reasonable to assume that we as created beings in his image should possess creative abstract thought, ask questions, use logic and reason and be able to study the creation.
Modern science also washes out all of Christians who birthed science. That is right, most of the first scientist recognized that there must be a God and they also were motivated to research the various scientific disciplines because of the Bible. They saw, even in their time, that the universe was extremely complex and organized. Such precision and order could only proceed from the mind of a all powerful God.

We also fail to realize that science in its modern form must by necessity exclude a creative mind. This means that no God is allowed in science. They argue that God in science would be a god of the gaps. Like zues producing lighting. This does not apply to the Christian, Jew or Muslim as all three perceive God as a all powerful creator. Science is not the method to answer all questions, its to study the why, while ignoring the who.
To study anything in science you must start with the rightful view that there is order to nature. That all of creation has rules that must be followed. This is necessary in order to study why things work. Imagine if we ignored the who in why planes fly. Science can tell you how the plane flies and why it works but if it ignores the who then you do not learn about the engineers who designed and built the plane. You will not learn about the pilots who fly the plane, the stewardess and ground crew who get it ready and serve the customers.
Now imagine you were told all your life that planes evolved, sounds stupid right? That is exactly what modern science has done to us. We know next to nothing in relation to God and yet there is more scientific evidence for God and His creation than for all of evolution.
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