Answer by Simon Bridge, Scientist, on Quora:
What is the definitive proof there is gravity?
There isn’t one. That is not how science works.
Forbes Article.
So many problems with this guy, and only so many words in the English language. What is the definitive proof of other things in science, well there happens to be tons of proof for electricity, water, heat, cold etc do you see the problem? We have forgotten what the heck science means! How could we undermine the very thing that gives us so much?
Atheist, studied religion · Thank God I am an Atheist · These are two of the descriptions on Quora and he knows a lot about porn as well. Mr. Bridge is a immoral sinful teacher of children and a atheist a person who professed his delusional state of mind as a badge of pride. He will fall as all Gods enemies have fallen in the past. He (like all of us) cannot escape death.
As I get older and quit blindly believing in the nonsense I was taught (force fed). I also realized a very important life rule, if it requires proof it is probably false. If you say “sorry I’m late” five minutes after your shift began not one of your coworkers will require proof. Proof is obvious and that is why we call it proof. When you come in from the rain and are soaked and say “I’m soaked” everyone knows its true because the truth is self evident.
Self Evident is something you may see in the constitution of the United States and declaration of independence. In normal and rational thought we know the proof is always the sign of the obvious.
Gravity is the name we give to the phenomenon that objects accelerate towards each other when they are otherwise left to their own devices. A casual demonstration would be to hold an ordinary object out in the air at arms length and let go. Watch it fall. The object and the Earth just accelerated towards each other when there was no other significant force acting.
Hold on, when does the earth accelerate? Every time we drop something? Really and this is “observable”? I can drop things all day long and will never feel pressure increase on my feet as the earth rushes up to meet the object I dropped. How stupid are we if we believe this nonsense?
Wait I can make it worse, if that happens on the other side of the ball and some one drops their noodles in china and the earth and the noodles accelerate…America would know! Trump would be on the phone to china calling party foul. Earth would have to accelerate away from our feet!
Gravity is its own “proof” since they say that because it happens we know gravity exist. They say that things float in space but they also do on earth when a plane goes into free fall. If you ponder that, you may realize that you cannot have people floating in a free fall plane if gravity exists. Gravity is supposed to be a constant acceleration towards the earth and attraction of masses. Floating in a cabin of a plane diving towards earth at “free fall speed” shows no acceleration that we are told to expect from gravity.
For Einstein gravity, the experiment is the bending of starlight (this is a key distinction between Einstein and Newtonian gravity, which both predict bending of starlight but to different amounts).
However, there are no absolute proofs of these theories … only demonstrations that they are the best and simplest models that account for the known facts of Nature and have predictive utility.
The best lie is not something new but something old being reborn into something new. Gravity is measured by assuming a fixed gravitational “acceleration”. Before gravity we had acceleration. I also think its odd how God is light and gravity “bends” light. Things like that make me wonder if there may be some alternative motive.
Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity attainable by an object as it falls through a fluid (air is the most common example). It occurs when the sum of the drag force (Fd) and the buoyancy is equal to the downward force of gravity (FG) acting on the object. Since the net force on the object is zero, the object has zero acceleration.
Note that Gravity is not required for things to fall. We never discovered it, we invented it!
Whenever you start to look into any lie you find out they share several traits. The first is they are nearly impossible to disprove. Gravity is a good example since the way they “measure” it is by acceleration times mass or F=MA. We know weight and how simple it is, mass is another manufactured principal. We know that if only weight is required than you will never need mass. Acceleration is also assumed since we have no way to prove that objects accelerated indefinitely. The common vacuum argument comes to mind but we can replicate the experiment and prove they lied. There is no real world experimental evidence of gravity, its acceleration force or mass. The other big trait is how often and loudly lies are repeated and that people get far more angry about questioning lies than they do questioning the truth.
Try to investigate gravity, mass, acceleration and evolution these things are easily proven false and we can do that without some fancy expensive degree that puts us in debt. We spend so much time and money in trying to be smart and wise in the way of the world but God YHVH warns us many times that we need to be wise in His eyes only. We cannot serve two masters for we will love one and hate the other. Sin is pleasurable so most people will, given the choice choose sin over Yashua.
We spend out whole lives disconnected from truth and reality when we unplug from God and try it our way. We believe any lie that will allow us to be content in the deception and will even shut down and ignore any and all adverse opinions. We guard the view we want and filter the facts or willingly accept the lies so we do not need to face the truth.
We as humans have a problem, we want to believe in lies and fairy tails but when we have the chance to address the truth head on and know the facts not as they may be filtered for us but rather as eye witnesses looking at them for the first time. We run and hide just like we did in the garden of Eden, we always get scared that he will be too harsh or too mean or that we are not good enough for his love and forgiveness. We convince ourselves that God can not exist because we are terrified of facing the obvious truth we all know in our hearts that God of the Bible is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and he is a wonderful and amazing God who IS personal, loving and most of all forgiving.
It is almost impossible to think of God and what he is without being overwhelmed with Joy and happiness so much so that you may start to cry. God is all loving he loved us from the beginning and wishes that all flesh will be saved, he loved us so much he became man and Died for our sins. Then he blessed them who tortured him and prayed for them through painful labored breaths. He was was whipped and impaled in the hands and feet for us and our sin.
God is a creator he created the seasons, he sends the wind from its storehouse and commands the stars in the sky. He is love not just a part of, but actual Love, and truth. God is truly powerful. If you died tomorrow where would you end up? Would you want to risk your eternal existence on the chance you can be “good enough”?
Pray to Jesus (Yashua) and ask him to come into your life and help you today, open your bible if you don’t have one there are plenty of places to get them for free like your local church or hotel. You can also buy one if you have the money for it.
Yashua bless and have a great day, I hope you will think about what I have said and consider it carefully.