Our history;
You no longer need a crystal ball to see into the future. All one must do is ask what could save us from this mess we seem to be in. Or rather who? We all think the future is decent, or at least we hope. The past is a amazing mirror into what the future may hold. In fact if we look back long enough the future comes into focus. We have done all of this before but this time feels different.
The World over the past 150-250 years has accelerated out of control. Before a few hundred years ago we had no cars, no radios, no busses or trains. We had no major vehicle infrastructure. Our technology was so far from what we have now that many would call it supernatural or magic.
We have always look forward to see what may be on the horizon, but be cautious or you may ignore the history.
The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, The LA Earthquake of 1908 Learn more here. What has been happening since 1755? Well The Revolutionary War was fought from 1775-1783, The Declaration of independence was signed in 1776, The Great Dark day of 1780 (+200=major event). Then the Papacy was hit bad as Pope Pius VI was arrested by the French in 1798. Then the Great Madrid earthquake in 1811. In 1833 we had the Perseid Meteor shower. 1844 the Great disappointment.
1861-1865 was the Civil war.

1886 Carl Benz patented the Car.

1903 was the Wright brothers.

1912 Titanic sank, 1913 Henry Ford invents the assembly line. 1914-1918 World war I and Spanish “flu” in 1918.

A massive earthquake in China in 1920 and in 1925 the scopes money trials that removed God from the soul of America’s future generations. That is the day when America was no longer Gods “chosen” nation if we ever had such a claim. Since that time crime has increased drastically. I was born in 1991 and the world has only grown darker in my 30 years on earth. I looked back to see what history showed and was looking up not down. We have been slowly killing our souls with distractions that keep us from asking the big questions that we actually need to answer. Like what is Love or Truth, who Am I? Why am I here and what is my purpose? These are the things that drive us almost as much as being liked and validated.
I have far more dates and events but the point is that time is getting shorter. After World war II (1939-1945) Israel became a nation and Jesus Christ told all who listened that “when the fig tree bears fruit, you know that the time is near.” Matthew 24:32 The generation who see’s this sign that happened in 1948 will be alive or reasonably old at the second coming of Jesus Christ!!
Today and beyond.
Before Jesus comes we have a Antichrist and false prophet coming to rule with Satan. We have to know what the bible says about Jesus, God, and every other doctrine. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” 2nd Timothy 3:16 If we do not know the bible better than any book or TV show then we will likely be led astray. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
He will try to force us to take his fake mark. The number of the beast. 666, if we are not careful we will. You need the mark to buy or sell, but you also worship the beast. Science and Islam are my top draft picks along with the Pope (catholic) and Socialism/Communism.
Remember what Paul said to Timothy “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:” 1 Timothy 6:20
But Jesus has no issue with people investigating or testing. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
I was not always a devout follower of Christ, in fact I would argue I was a “luke warm” political Christian until 2020 came around. I see the chains in my dreams both Red and Blue, thick large painted chains that people hold on too, they are not bound. They hold them! They choose to serve political demi-gods. The more I look into faith and religion the more I see it in every aspect of what we do. Our sciences, our technology their is nothing that is beyond the reach of the spiritual realms. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
The truth is something we are blind by choice to. The more we see the more terror and depression will attack. We cannot avoid how dark this world has become unless we lie or distract ourselves. I am not afraid of the dark, only not bringing the light. I know I may seem off, but the truth is my mind is sober save for caffeine and sugar. I have loved so many people and given my heart to the cause of God almighty. My Lord Jesus is my Rabbi and I love and follow him. He loved all of you regardless how evil you can be. No matter your sins. We should forgive and do all things in love. We should never say no when God has given us the resources to help.
We must dive into the word of God and not stop learning about him who gave his only begotten son that all who believe in him may not perish but have everlasting life! John 3:16
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What’s with the alien’s? LGBT?