Court documents said the victims of the attack were Marc Conn and Billie Jo Goldsworthy. Documents said Conn was left paralyzed.
Upon watching the video (As a X-manager) I was appalled at the complete lack of civility and tact as these thug.. I mean “employees” treated the guests with profound evil and violence.

Under no circumstance is this behavior appropriate. The only time you can touch a co-worker or customer is if not doing so would lead to material damages or people being hurt. You cannot attack some one after they have been evicted from the property and definitely cannot hold the property of those people “until police arrive”.

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The family of a man who is now paralyzed following a fight with several women outside a McDonald’s downtown is not sure if he will ever walk again.
Pittsburgh Police say they received calls about a man in the street who had been punched unconscious and a female who had been pepper-sprayed outside the McDonald’s on Wood Street around 10:15 p.m. Monday night.
The man, 62-year-old Marc Conn, is fighting to walk again at Allegheny General Hospital after undergoing a five-hour surgery on his spine.
His family said he could not speak because his vocal cords were crushed, along with one side of his face.Belajac, the cousin of Conn, said the family found out Conn was assaulted after a video circulated on Facebook. “Couple kids started throwing pop bottles,” Beljac said. “They threw them on his girlfriend’s head, so they went into the McDonald’s to get away.”
Once inside the McDonald’s on Wood Street, Belajac says things got worse.
According to a criminal complaint, a male followed them in and began arguing with Billie Jo Goldsworthy.
When Conn tried to pull his girlfriend away, police say two McDonald’s employees intervened — Roneese Davis and Kaniya Martin — and could be seen pushing and punching the woman.
It took me over a hour to scour all these articles into a tapestry of truth and show the full picture. When I saw the original facebook post of the YouTube video I noticed there were no facts other than “McDonald’s” which doesn’t help considering there are 14,146 locations in the US as of 2016 and dozens in the Burgh. I did the leg work and found the exact one in Pittsburgh as mentioned in the above quote from KDKA channel 2.

WPXI 11 PITTSBURGH – A second employee has been charged with simple assault Kaniya Martin.
This is “normal” black behavior which no one will say by the way. I am NOT saying all black people are like this, but the youth follow trends and cultural norms which promote “thug life” and “gangster life” we should not be surprised when these people act like violent animals with rabies.
The bigger problem is the Israelites (Blacks) who say nothing and know this problem exists. They need to stand up and talk about these issues since whenever I do people will cry “racist”. I cannot fight this alone. God did not create us so we could fight. Davis and Martin need to find God and realize they have been lied too. The only culture of blacks around the earth is that of the Bible. I do believe there were black people maybe all through the bible, even God and Jesus could be black but we do not know because they whitewashed history.
Good moral people never act like these thugs do, and they do not qualify for employment in any normal business. What can we do? If you attempt to prevent these criminals from getting jobs they will only hurt the communities more. If you employ them then you give them money and power to do possibly more damage, but the potential for growth only exists with a legal job. A good Christian Manager can help people like this find God (YHVH) and righteousness.
I have been working since 2006 in multiple fields and the 3 problems in the work force are black people, women and LGBT. They by them self would be not problem at all, but then they force us the managers and co-workers to deal with the tardiness and lack of work ethic. If we ever call them out we may face accusations of sexism, racism and homophobia. If you are a horrible worker than it does not matter what “group” you might belong to you suck! I remember a black man that was always late but he never got fired because he was a decent worker when he felt like staying. He took breaks 2-3x longer than any employee on the shift. He never cried racist but would always have a excuse.
LGBT people hate and target Christians for our beliefs. They bring up sex and the bedroom and if you go there in conversation they will yell pervert and call management on you.
Women are the worst of the worst since they are slowly taking over the work force. They cause more problems then they are worth. No all women are like this! Make a list of all the people who drove you nuts at work and then divide them into genders M/F and count. No matter how hard I think back I cannot for the life of me recollect a single man who I could NOT work with or for. That is 13 years of working and not a single man on the list. Now I did fight with men, I had a fight today. The difference is that men forgive in a nano-second. Woman never forget.
I am sorry if anything I have said in this article has offended you. I know you may not have the same experiences as me and therefor may disagree on some or all of my points, tell me why in the comments section below. Share this to anyone who may find it interesting. Yashua bless you, and have a great day. No vulgarity or lewd comments!
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