UFO’s and the alien deception.
UFO’s used to fascinate me I dreamed of contact or fighting aliens but like all childish dreams mine found its end in the truth.

Ufo’s have permeated the mainstream culture. From popular sci-fi to main stream science there is no lack of talk about extraterrestrials. In Stargate SG1 they are the Asgard a kind if somewhat snooty race of humans who cloned out all their humanity. ( picture 1)
Have you ever stopped and pondered the idea of aliens and how they interact with us? I know I have. The thing that strikes me as odd is the fact that none of the supposed alien encounters happen in broad daylight, keeping in mind this is physical contact or close encounters not people filming UFO’s flying around. Another oddity is that most people are taken from their beds at night while they sleep.
Many of the reports to UFO researchers include sexual themes, sex and impregnation as well as livestock mutilation. As a Bible scholar I know that there was another incident like this in history, the fallen angels mating with humans and producing giants.
A few years ago I was 100% sure that aliens existed. I would have told you about all the sightings and even the evidence that they have been around since we have, thanks a ton ancient aliens! One day some one told me something I did not want to hear, “Oh those are demons.” Man was I bummed. I felt a sort of nerdy romantic attraction to the idea of first contact and at that time was not open to the idea aliens could be demonic.

Then I began to think.
Then I began to think. I thought of every first contact I had ever seen in the movies, they all were direct and obvious. The Vulcan’s landed and said hello. However the aliens in our real world work at night, for the most part, and target small groups or individuals.
The way that aliens behave is like some one who wants you to know they’re there, but not know too much that would lead to questions. The questions we should ask, who are they, why are they here and what do they want? The more pressing questions is why do they act so suspiciously?
My honest assessment is there are only 2 types of UFO’s. The First is the more sane of the two, it is classified government black budget military crafts. The second of these is demons or fallen angels since the bible says that in the days of the coming of the son of man so too will it be like the days of Noah.
The first type, the Prototype.
The Government prototypes are the easiest ones to spot as they have physical form. They move at relatively normal speeds and will not abduct people from their homes or impregnate them. They might screw with people physiologically but probably as unintended consequence.
They are probably the ones that cause people to get sick after an encounter. If you see something in the sky that you do not recognize which looks man made it probably is. These are ships that are made using highly experimental tech (as a best guess). They are not normal in any sense of the word since most normal innovations end up in the public sector. These craft remain classified and protected by non-disclosure agreements.
I personally have seen only one of these and it could just have easily been a blimp. I do not think that these are the most prevalent form of UFO. I feel I must say that UFO is not accurate, IFO is better since I am identifying the UFO as a identified flying object.
The second type.
The second type is the supernatural beings that many people now believe as I once did, that they are aliens. If aliens do exist than they could be good and they may come to help us, but once they do then they need our help fighting a enemy who is coming after them. Little do we know that when we gather all our military to fight that we would fulfill revelation prophesy.
It seams impossible but all you have to do is look into the night sky and eventually you will see something moving at impossible speeds, accelerating and slowing then disappearing in a flash.
This type is not the preferred public face of the UFO phenomenon, try looking up UFO’s and the algorithms favor the solid type. They do not want a supernatural explanation in science. They especially do not you want asking questions with supernatural answers. These are demons or signs and wonders. If they just make you marvel without any fear they could be a wonder of the heavens. If they interact with us and make us fearfull or sick than they are demonic. What good alien would skulk around at night kidnapping people from their homes?
I have seen three of these types that move in impossible motions and blink in and out of vision. There is no rational explanation other than these things are beyond nature and reason thus supernatural. These ones do not appear solid in any way. I have never heard of the US or any government shooting one down, have you?
What we know for sure.
We should all know that there is something going on in the sky above our heads. When every we hear about this on the news or on social media we have to remember this is a sign of the times. Even if you do not know what they are you do know there is something there.

The world around us is changing rapidly and if we are not diligent and attentive to those changes we may be swept away in them. If you believe these are visitors from another world you have locked yourself in a unproven worldview and at some point there may have to be a reckoning. If they came tomorrow would you believe they are good or evil?
These are the times when soon this prophesy will come to pass, “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Revelation 6:12-17

“Lam was an Entity contacted by Aleister Crowley. “
ADDITIONAL: 7/26/23 As the UFO hearing is taking place and people talk about this subject the same information that was true then is still true now. But I added this picture of the supposed creature that the satanist contacted. “life out there” is just another way of saying demons. These things that are not man made are not piloted by men or woman nor any creature of this earth. If we travel down this road we will find demons at its end. We can pretend this wont happen but I doubt we can deny it when it is happening. I pray we never have to face such pains. Our life should belong to Christ if we shall have any hope at a future. Thank you for reading this.
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