“If we do not argue with words, what weapons of change will we have left? What hope is there to suppose blood will be avoided. The rational mind is always open to debate, the bigoted mind is closed permanently.” ~RH Eastman.
It all starts with argument/debate.
I got in a argument today, like most days. It was about the statistics that “prove” that poor people cannot eat healthy, or so my opponent stated. I am poor, the Guy (lets call him Greg) I was arguing with probably was Not middle class. We are two poor people arguing over does poverty make people fat.
It seems he thought there is no other explanation that is true. Poor people are fatter because they are poor. Greg also said PA growing season was 3 months. I have to realize when I argue most people do not care if they Lie by accident. I do care. I hate lying and do not want to lie, ever. So I checked the growing season in PA it is 6-7 months, twice what he thought. The growing season has been and IS defined as the period from the last frost of spring to the first in fall. What do I know I am just a right wing Christian and conspiracy theorist.
All the time I get in these arguments. Talking points do exist but I hate them, they tend to be untrue. They also can be strait lies. Linking poverty and obesity is a huge lie. When Greg left I went to work researching. I found loud voices on both side of the argument.
Round one; common sense.
If I love pizza and burgers, will having more money change that? How about you the reader? Will money change what food we love or like? I honestly cannot think of a single person who always buys healthy food. Even health nuts need a cheat day.
Common sense also tells me unhealthy food tends to be addictive. Try and eat one cookie or one potato chip. Healthy eating is hard. I never saw a stoner or sober person eating up bagged salad while binge watching TV. Humans like junk food that is just the way we are. We know that this “almost food” is crap otherwise we would never call it junk.
I could eat healthy with the money I have. I do not need more money just more self control. My opponent seems to think poor people have no money and self management skills. When I said this is about choice, he played the “Oh but some poor mom cant afford healthy food” line. I know there are a lot of churches that will and do help such mothers in this area. They also can grow 6-7 months out of 12 and can or dry food too. I learned allot from the women in my family.
I also pointed out we have the richest “poor” in the US. He did not disagree. Greg did contradict himself stating the third world countries did not have obese poor. Which if he was honest would show how flawed the original point was.
Poverty causes obesity due to lack of money and healthy food being expensive. That is the premise that people parrot. So if that is true any time you give fat people more money they should lose weight? I predict such a experiment would have little or no proof. However if you give a fat person a Job which lifts them out of poverty they might lose weight since they are working. This does pan out in the real world.
I know when I was working 40 hours or more per week and doing side jobs I went down to 170. I was over 255. When I was a moderate-conservative stoner in college I was almost 300 LB.
Round two: crime
Crime leads to poverty and obesity. This should be obvious but politics tries to hide this truth from people. A community that is crime ridden will become impoverished. If people have no control over criminal behavior, eating habits are not even a concern.
Now if a community has a low crime rate they will see poverty decrease. As it does so goes obesity. The reason for this in my research was that people who worked tended to be less heavy and more skinny. That did not surprise me at all. I have seen it and experienced it first hand. When you get off your butt and work you tend to lose weight.
Crime also shows how much self control a person has. If a community has a low crime rate then they tend to be less impoverished. Businesses will move in and create jobs, lifting more people out of poverty. God tells us that work is important and we should always give all we have. We should work to fill our time with work. Entertainment in any form tends to undermine our profitable time. Colossians 3:23,24 Psalm 90:17, Proverbs 12:11, 13:4 Philippians 4:13.
Proverb 12:24 Warns us in no uncertain terms, The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.
https://biblehub.com/hebrew/4522.htm Under tribute: Forced labor, slavery.

Throughout history people have become lazy and demanded more of Government or Church and they in turn grew in power. Eventually all these Churches and Governments became dictators over the people. In the case of socialism and communism (good bed fellows) Stalin sent millions to die in forced labor camps. My own grandfather on my dads side worked on a potato farm as a German POW. It is so common sense we should not need told. Laziness leads to slavery. Also if Government controls the economy how hard would it be to take over the politics?
The Choice: Freedom vs. Slavery.

I am weird since I always argue extremes. I think they do a better job of showing where people fall. When you get rid of all laws and government you have anarchy. When you max out both you have tyranny. God and common sense say hard work lift’s people out of poverty. Good planing and moral rules also help people avoid poverty. Look at all the perks of being married.
Surprising benefits to being married
- It makes you richer.
- There are better tax benefits.
- There are health insurance benefits.
- Married people have lower stress.
- Married couples are less likely to be depressed.
- People with a spouse are less likely to engage in risky behavior.
- They have better outcomes after major surgery.
- They are more likely to survive cancer.
Common sense, the Bible and God can also make you richer, happier and healthier. Working hard brings in money just like God told us. Don’t forget to honor God with the first fruits of your increase. We would all be fools if we ignore the truth, Morality is the key to success and failure.
If you Obey God, Believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ and do his commands, turn from sin and repent we can prosper. Even under prosecution. I know it may not seem easy but that is because it is not easy. Hard work is not called hard for nothing. We need to put in the time if we want some reward. In customer service I always get good reviews because I always try and wow my customers. I want them to see me as a example as Jesus, even if its just my ring, necklace or bracelet. I make sure it is visible that I love and worship God. So when I interact with people or customers I want them to know why I am so good. By the grace of God.
If I abandon my morals I will find a apathetic spiral of insanity. We all feel that and that is why we need Xbox, LCD HD TV, HULU, YouTube, sports and more distractions to fill that God shaped hole in our heart. Now freedom comes from self regulation. Obey God. If we can control our own communities and homes than government does not need to do it for us. Socialism and Communism are trying to take America from us. People fail to realize that Socialism always leads to communism since one is the foundation for the other.
Freedom is the ability to do and say whatever you want, liberty is doing and saying what you should. Police are the community you live/travel through. prosecutors are the same as the police. Judges serve the people. If we want freedom and liberty again we need to take responsibly for our home and communities, state and the Republic.
Please leave a comment, I would love to know how I can improve my writing. God bless you and the Republic.