The Truth about Dogs.

Happy belated Dog day!

“I’m adorable, deal with it!”

As many people know Dog’s are mans best friend. When exactly did that fated relationship start? If you believe the lies we hear all the time, it was anywhere from 20,000 years ago to 3,500 years. I remember as a kid hearing that they knew they were breed around 3500 years ago. We have no scientific way of knowing because DNA does not have time stamps and radiometric dating has been proven to be inaccurate according to any honest scientific standard.

The First Wolves.

The first wolves existed in 6,000 BC (BCE) 0 AM. Herbivorous wolves were living along side the T-Rex and Adam and Eve. Adam was the first man ever created. Before He and eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge there was no sin or death. Thus all carnivores would have ate plants. Even when I did the research for this article I found Popular science promoting a vegan diet for dogs. I laugh knowing full well that evolution proponents often ridicule the idea that all animals even carnivores could eat plants and fruit instead of meat. But there is Pop-sci telling us point blank that they can get the same nutrients from a vegan diet and if it works with Dogs than there is no reason to presume it would not work with other carnivores and omnivores.

The Domestication. 4,400 BC (BCE) 1,600 AM

he looks just like my black lab at home, when he was a puppy.

After the Ark landed near (Not on) Mt. Ararat. After all of the Animals and Noah’s family got off they either had some dogs, wolves or a combination of both. This would be the domestication.

Genesis 7:2-3 “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee be sevens, the male and his female: and of the beast that are not clean by two, the male and his female.” So that makes two groups of 7 clean animals and 1 pair of unclean. In total 16 of the same kind. So Dogs, wolves or a combination of both were on the Ark.

All the Modern Breeds of dogs we know and love could have easily happened over 5,600 years. Remember our best friends life span is only around 14 years on average. That would equate to 400 generations of dog breeding. The reason we breed dogs is for our benefit. From hunting to assisting the disable we breed dogs with a purpose.

Dog’s likely were breed to aid humans in hunting. Which they do even today.

No matter how long we have breed dogs, we have never created a entirely new species that cannot reproduce with the parent species. Even if we did it would still be a dog. No amount of breeding will ever create a new animal that is not a dog. We cannot produce a cat or horse from the canine family. This is one of the best proofs I have seen for why evolution has no merit. We did the same thing with cats and over thousands of years we have never seen a cat breed into a non-cat. The Bottom line is we domesticated Dogs and we did so over thousands of years. They are our best friends and we love every fury inch, and every wiggly butt hello!

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