The Second American Civil war.
The first civil war that we faced as a nation came when the first republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the southern democrats over the issue of slavery and won. We were never told the sorted history of the democratic party like the man who killed Lincoln was a democrat. We are never told about the invention of the KKK by the democratic party.
The only poor counter argument is that the parties switched and the pro-freedom anti-slavery republicans just hopped over to the democratic party. Imagine if a football team switched, say the Steelers and Browns? We would all know if this was true. Of all the Dixiecrats only 1 switched parties and the rest died as democrats.
The Line is being drawn.
The major divide in this nation is Right vs. Left. We forget we are people and Americans first but some of us are beyond this. I have seen first hand how much hatred the left/progressives have for us on the right. We are attacked at every opportunity.

White people are targeted in major cities for kidnapping like the young man who was mentally challenged. He was tortured and beaten by 4 black people and his crime was being white.
This mentality is the result of the democratic left who has been feeding the black people a line of lies and us too. They knew they could not keep racism alive so they moved on to capturing the black vote as Lyndon Johnson said “We’ll have them N*****S voting democrat for 200 years.” Johnson was a democrat by the way.
This time it will be worse.
If you thought Trump winning the first time was a fluke I have bad news for you. There is almost no chance that he will lose in 2020 and there is even a strong possibility he could sweep the popular vote and the electoral collage!
However bad the violence was in 2016 it will be far worse. I have talked with my local police and got their input on this matter. They agree that there is very little chance that the left and right of our nation will be able to reconcile their differences. If we cannot come together than we will continue to be divided. The more we break apart the less hope there is for some kind of peaceful solution.
We must try and talk to our friends and family while we still can, when the first civil war broke out brother fought brother and friend against friend. We must attempt to heal the divide before we reach the point of no return. We may have passed it but there is no reason not to try and fix this before it becomes a life and death problem.
The second civil war will be between the left and right.

The left is armed too and they are far more angry than us. We need to do our best to avoid another bloody conflict. The idea that all leftist are wimpy may have some merit but the truth is there are still those who can do tremendous harm. They should not be taken so lightly.
Please talk to your friends and family and at least share this article so the discussion can start. I do not want to fight my fellow Americans, do you?
Please share this and let others know. God bless and have a great day!
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