The Miracle of Dunkirk.

The Miracle of Dunkirk.

Painting by Charles Cundall <To see the orginal color painting.

The History of the battle of Dunkirk (May of Lords year 1940) is not shrouded in mystery but the miraculous evacuation and battle are watered down. Secular sources never mention the (unusually) calm English channel, the fog rolling in to cover the Allied escape or the nation day of prayer that proceeded these events.

Operation Dynamo

General Alan Brooke said “Only a miracle can save the BEF now.”

“Initially it was estimated that just 45,000 men could be evacuated in 48 hours. Instead the operation was to become the biggest evacuation in military history.”
A destroyer’s deck loaded with men of the B.E.F ,on May 31, 1940, somewhere in England

338,226 Allied troops were rescued and 140,000 French, Polish and Belgian troops were also rescued. The realistic expectation that 45,000 people could be saved is a perfect example of how we should never doubt God.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill found himself preparing to announce to the public an unprecedented military catastrophe involving the capture or death of a third of a million soldiers.
But it didn’t happen. On 23rd May, King George VI requested that the following Sunday should be observed as a National Day of Prayer. Late on the Saturday evening the military decision was taken to evacuate as many as possible of the Allied forces. On the Sunday, the nation devoted itself to prayer in an unprecedented way. Eyewitnesses and photographs confirm overflowing congregations in places of worship across the land. Long queues formed outside cathedrals. The same day an urgent request went out for boats of all sizes and shapes to cross the English Channel to rescue the besieged army, a call ultimately answered by around 800 vessels. Please read this article it is really good.

Dunkirk was a example of what humbling ourselves before God can do for us. The people of England prayed in within the day the prayer was being answered. This happens all the time in the bible. When we cry out God answers.

The Greatest generation. Learn from them while you can.

I was privileged to grow up in the same house as a man who fought real live Nazi’s. He was Robert Roy Hopkins my grandfather and it didn’t stop there. My fathers dad also fought although he was captured by the Germans.

My Grandparents were smart, extremely reserved but they practiced what they believed. If it was a waste of breath to complain they wound not. They had no interest in wasting peoples time. They were moral and virtuous men who were not prejudiced against anyone. They were very wise and patient, they seldom cussed and when they did it was damn and hell.

All these men during WWII had a common goal, save my nation from the Nazi Germans. They all were unified by their shared objective. They did not want to be slaves to the Germans. Now we practice war against ourselves. The left of this country are attacking the right and we being moral and civil do not return like hatred with more hate. Christ says we must love our enemy and cannot judge them for anything we have done like them.

The norms of my Grandparents were wearing nice cloths every time you leave the house. Suits are a must for Air Travel. You put a napkin in your lap and one in your shirt. You open doors for women and pull out their chairs. You never hit a women and never sleep with one until you are married. You should never cuss in public.

As I said Here the morals of this nation and the world has declined since 1925. We have to get back to God and teaching the truth in the schools so that people are not deceived. As always please like, comment and share. I love you all and pray God watches over you all. Have a great day psst…share it.

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