No I am sure that many people might be on the verge of destroying their computer or phone after reading that but please just calm down. I promise it is not as bad as you think.
The Problem with society today is we have far to many standards set by women. The education system is one good example as it favors a feminine traits like being quite, sitting still, showing your work and drawing cute non-violent pictures. All of these things are opposite what men like and do. This has a horrible effect on males in the US as they end up needing drugs like adderall just to compete with the women around them.
The Woman of today think that it fine for them to sleep around with whoever they want, before marriage! Now That is wrong for any man to do, but they do have a better excuse as they can be ready for another woman in minutes where as a woman who has conceived is out for 9 months minimum. Its “biology” as Jordan Peterson would say but unlike him I know the facts. Women were created from men, to be their perfect helper. That means they need to be just as smart and skilled in all the things men like. This is necessary for men to be happy. As a man a wife is great but some one who I share interests with is just as important, We all need some one we can call friend when we are too old to enjoy the other benefits of a adult marital relationship.
The Male standard is a fair standard since women can and will succeed in that model but men are not as adaptable. We will and do fail. We fell when we took the fruit from eve and ever since have been drawn to violence. Now I do not suggest that men should be physically violent. Rather men like to shoot guns, drive fast, draw more violent art, direct action movies and read non-fiction then their female counterparts.
What do you want ladies?

Do you as a woman want a wimpy boy? Do you want a man who will never buy a ring and get down on his knee and purpose? Do you want a man that cannot shoot a gun because they are “scary”? Do you want a man who is mistook for you on the phone? Most importantly do you want a man who will have sex with you before your married knowing in the back of your mind that if he can’t wait for you then he probably has slept with a lot of women, and probably will NOT be faithful?