The Illusion of personal choice.

We all like to think that we have made good choices in our lives. The thing is, we often do not think of the decisions made for us by others. This is best illustrated in a analogy. Lets suppose you wanted to buy a car so you go to a dealership. The sales person walks out greats you than takes you to the nicest car on the lot, “This is the best car that we have here, there is no car better than this!” He says. Then he asks you if you would like to buy this car. Now if you have ever shopped for anything you know buying the first thing that you see or are introduced to, probably will not result in the best deal, or by extension value.
Anyone who wants to make the best choice will start to ask questions, like “whats the one with the best fuel mileage, the lowest price tag, and with the lowest maintenance cost?” If you are rich or desperate these questions might not matter as much. Never let money or desperation cost you a sound choice.
So how many choices do we make?
Well lets think, did you ever get a choice to view and decide on the many origin stories or was one picked for you? Yes evolution and the big bang are both origin stories, written more recently. Are these things ever shown to you? No. I know that I had to look into the various views but surprisingly there are only two going head to head with regard to the origin of earth and mankind. This mentality is common with LGBT rights, climate change, guns, abortion and more.
In case you never heard, The earth was created in 6 days by a creator, YHVH, Elohim, God. He made Man, than made woman out of man. He created all life fully formed which is shown in the fossil record. He had to flood the earth during the time of Noah and as a result the fossil record was created. He came down in the flesh as Yashua aka Jesus and died for our sins so we could be forgiven and have eternal life.

If the same standards applied to evolution were applied to Creation than it, and not evolution would be taught in schools. If we assume that God is all powerful than it is easy to see how he could create the whole earth and everything on it. The possibility of a all powerful creator creating is 100%. The possibility of evolution and the big bang is less than 0.0000000000001% that is no joke. Maybe Christians just fight the hardest against evolution and that may be why we are targeted. Make no mistake main stream science has Christianity in it’s sites. They are the front line soldiers who fight for other religions as well.
Yashua Vs. Science.
God and science have never competed. Science has only abandoned all that made it science whilst still saying “I am science.” A great example of this is radiometric dating which only works on rocks and fossils with unknown dates. The reason for this, know dated objects are always wrong. Rocks tested for age from 10 year old lava flows date anywhere from 100 million to billions of years old. Here is a great article on the subject radiometric dating flaws .

Science that is real is based on human observations and senses. That is the core of science. Modern “science” no longer requires peer review or debate, just acceptance. Man made climate change and the age of the earth are two examples of how “science says therefor it must be true!” This is no different than 9/10 doctors agree camel is the best smoke. It is a appeal to authority argument which is fundamentally flawed.
The other view we don’t here about, climate change is caused by the sun and solar cycles or is a natural cycle of the earth with the suns input. These are more logical since the sun warms the circle of the earth and if more solar energy comes to earth there is a good chance that we would experience an increase in temperature just like solar minimums are now known to cause mini Ice ages. A good rule of thumb, if it is science than it can be tested. The results should be repeatable by others.
The political choices.

We don’t think who we listen too may effect our political beliefs later in life. NPR is one program I listened to as a child but as I grew I became a progressive just by listening to that one radio show. The other station was country music but they did not talk much politics.
TV and movies do this too, you may have no opinion on guns until you watch some Hollywood over exaggeration of guns which happens all the time. 9mm handguns cause bad guys to go flying and many movie guns have amazing super magazines that are bigger on the inside. You see guns that should shoot 7 bullets send 20+ at the enemy without ever reloading. You see “assault” weapons that are actually machine guns and are not available to the general public, advertised in a show or movie as common and easy to get.

Christians are another favorite target, think about who loves Jesus on orange is the new black. That is what Hollywood thinks of us Christians. We are advertised as hypocrites, idiots, science deniers, and bigots. There is no example of TV or movies saying Allah damn it, or Zeus etc. Only Jesus and God are used in vain and all of us the people adopt it. I cannot think of a single business that I go to where I do not hear the Lord Gods name taken in vain.
Think about that, without even knowing it people say Jesus Christ and God in anger and break the 3rd of 10 commandments. I used to do it before I was saved and I was even a christian or so I thought. What we consume with our mouths can change our bodies. What we consume with our mind will surely change our minds or at least influence us.
I am a constitution representative republican and a young earth creationist but I did not inherit, nor was I taught these views. I researched all possible views from Satanism and Wicca to Islam and New age. I also combed over science materials for hundreds of hours. I compared and contrasted all the political views and the repercussions of them. Most of all I looked way beyond the official stories, into the grass as it where, to see what real world examples show. This took over 20 years and I went from encyclopedia Britannia to the internet when it came around. Do not take my word for it, go and research it yourself. Be forewarned the political left and atheism (science falsely called.) dominate the digital landscape. Use Duckduckgo, Bing or Yahoo search since others censor the results. The below picture was from Bing.
Don’t forget to share this! Have a great day and may Yashua bless you.