We are in a crisis in America and most people do not even realize it since the vast majority do not fact-check their own beliefs. Many people both young and old “think” they know the truth. The Truth is intellectuals are the problem and they always have been. The people with “brains” are the ones who tell us we need to fight each other for no good reason.
The Threats we face, #1 Islam/China
There are plenty of honest Muslims who will tell you point blank that they plan on taking over the United States as well as all of Europe. This was known by many people 10-15 years ago but now the evidence is all too real. The Good news is that Christian conservatives are not high on the hit list for the followers of Allah. In case you were wondering #1 and #2 is atheists and homosexuals. The order may not be accurate but the point remains the same. Islam is coming to take over America and the World.
If you know a Muslim than go ahead and talk to them and ask them to be blatantly honest. Ask them to hold nothing back and if you are really smart take your Bible and Quran with you. Here are two of the multi-point plan to take over the United States.
1. Terminate America’s freedom of speech by replacing it with statewide and nationwide hate-crime bills.
2. Wage a war of words using black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson and other visible religious personalities who promote Islam as the religion of African-Americans while insisting Christianity is for whites only. What they fail to tell African-Americans is that it was Arab Muslims who captured them and sold them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word for black and slave is the same, ”Abed.”
The left would welcome Nazis into their ranks if it would benefit them. They do not care what people they might hurt or caused to be wiped out so long as they maintain power. The liberal left of this country are dead set on power and gaining and maintaining it no matter the cost. Remember it was also the Democrats who gave Hitler the idea for his Holocaust laws.

China is equally invested in toppling the American Republic. Most people realize America has been in China’s gun sites for quite some time. China openly wants to take over by 2030 at least in the sense of market share and fiscal dominance. They also would not be apposed to adding the USA to PRC (Peoples Republic of China).
Atheism, threat number #2
Atheism is not a physical threat in the way that Islam is however it lays the ground work for all other ideologies and ideas that undermine the republic, freedom and liberty. Without Atheism we would not have LGBT rights, Gay marriage, high divorce rates, high crime and more. Atheism is a attack on logic, reason and science. A perfect example is made whenever you hear that some one is “Anti-science.” The people that are often judged as such are usually Young Earth Christians, Biblical Flat Earthers and Climate deniers.
Upon closer inspection you may realize that the whole point of science is to weigh the evidence and then make the best conclusion based on said evidence. Many people do not do this they simply accept the “truth” of science without question and then will turn around and tell the students, politicians and media that this is truth and they will tell you the same.
No one ever questions the establishment whether it is the church, science, education or government. We tend towards the intellectually lazy approach of acceptance rather than questioning. The people who look at the evidence have reached a conclusion based on the facts of what they observe and can prove. They let the facts determine their views rather than letting their views dictate the facts. We are not entitled to our own facts no matter what belief we cling to.
The religion of feminism, most people do not think about it that way. We must only ask what is the point of Feminism? What do they esteem? They are worshipers of woman. The Bible calls this sin idolatry. Woman have idolized themselves and if any man has the guts to call her out then we are “afraid of strong woman/ sexist.” How long must this broken philosophy continue?
Feminism ruined marriage, we used to date woman not have meaningless sex but to find a person to depend on and who would depend on us. Feminism “empowers” woman to “be themselves” or in other words act more like men and repeat until equal. Ladies do you realize that men do not want to date woman who act like men? We like feminine women and we do not need or want any woman who does not need us. We also do not need women that we cannot lean on and depend upon. The Biblical marriage is A man who takes care of a woman and a woman who takes care of her man.
Who is our Master? or Masters?
Slavery is not just a political buzz word, it is also the lot we have as humans. We like to think that slavery is a product of a long past and bygone era but such thoughts will often fall short when confronted with actual reality. I am not talking about the very real slave trade here in the US and abroad that enslaves men, women and children for sexual labor . No I am talking about our willingness and openness to slavery.
Slavery seems to be defined best as the legal ownership of a person by another. There is a surprising lack of definition to the word. People today equate slavery to physical bondage and legal ownership of a person. This definition leaves a lot to be desired. I go a step further, slavery is the state of being subservient to a higher power be it person, drugs, gods or Government. Slavery is characterized by the owner denying any questions about the authority. Slavery is also more often voluntary than involuntary.
I think slavery is common, it happens to all of us. We are slaves of our appetite and food. We must eat or so we think, if you are a Christian, Jew or Muslim you know you can fast (abstain from food). Science says you can go several weeks (3) without food. We are slaves to the appetite and the food as well especially when it contains sugar or caffeine. We are also slaves to addiction psychological and physical.
Even being a physical slave does not guarantee that your mind is free. Some examples might help. On the left police are bad and should be treated like crap or killed. On the right the police are (mostly) good and should never be punched or hurt and we should always obey them (even if they’re wrong). The left is right in that police should not be blindly obeyed but we should never kill or hurt anyone without lawful reasons. The right is right that we can obey good police but there are no “good” police anymore. All police and like enforcers are nothing but traitors to the nation. I wish it was not the case but any research into the nations founding shows we have a God given right to police. They cannot take that away.
Science and Religion also enslave us and all you have to do is question something and if anyone yells foul and attacks you for asking a question you know there is something wrong. With religion its obvious in the Mormon Church, Jehovah Witness, Anglican, Episcopal, catholic, Greek orthodox, Buddhism, atheism, and Islam just to name a few. They all have controls in place to prevent or address people in their cults who dare and question. Science is great about this, do not question the age of the earth, the dating methods, the heliocentric-big bang, climate change or evolution. Modern scientist do not do real field work like older scientist would.
We think science is one monolithic institution but it cannot be and never was. Science is owned and controlled by the people. We are the scientist and if the “mainstream science” cannot provide a logical experiment to prove why they believe something no matter how accepted we should reject it! I have done this in my own life with evolution, the big bang and sphere/spheroid heliocentric model. We should all reserve the right to not have a clue about anything unless we have some first hand knowledge or have done the research. I notice this all the time when I discuss a myriad of subjects with people. They cannot or do not know definitions of words and ideas and further are unable to comprehend questions. I think we need to go back to keeping our opinions to ourselves, we are not entitled to have others hear our bad ideas.
The Masters we sever could be the DNC, Liberals, money or even science but no matter our master one thing we must be honest enough to admit is our subservience towards that controlling master. When we do not know who we serve or we lie and say we have no master, then we know Satan is our master.