The Fourth Amendment, what people do not know about it.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The first part outlines the basic right to be secure in your person, and property. We all have this divine right, as the Declaration of Independence states, “We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights..” The God (Elohim, Yashua) of Abraham, Issac and Jacob was the God that the founders saw fit to build rights on. The Christian or as some say Natsarim are the only faith that says to love thy enemy. That is one reason to use it as a foundation to build our current nation.
After the right to be secure from searches is established we see the requirements for warrants. You do need probably cause but you also need Oath or affirmation. In other words the “I had probable cause” line fed to us by police is proven to be a lie. They need probable cause supported by oath or affirmation. Police and Judges alike do not care what your rights are because they get in the way. The Authorities want to ignore your rights and if you are ignorant about them they can!
Imagine one of your coworkers or fellow students get in trouble and all workers/students are punished as a result. Is that fair or just? Do we honestly think punishing millions of people because of a few of peoples actions is just? How many more people get in trouble with police, ICE, TSA and Judges violating their God given rights?
If police used warrants like the 4th required than they would pull you over and hand you the warrant stating that your car needs searched or seized. The same is true for any house or RV search they need to present the warrant. These days we have this new unconstitutional act called No-Knock raids. Without warning police bust down your door and start yelling get on the ground. Just like something out of George Orwell’s 1984.

We need to educate ourselves and our friends and family about our rights before it is too late. If we do not speak up now, there will come a time when we cannot speak or it will be a criminal act. We are heading full speed towards tyranny. We must fight* back before we run out of time. Our future and our country depend on this. Now do your part and share this, unless your a traitor…?
*Fighting starts with words we must try our most to stop this while still avoiding violence. Violence is always a last resort.