I first heard about this proposed amendment today only a few minutes ago ( it is now 4:54am) and immediately began to research it since my BS detector was going off the chart. I asked myself why they need this? Women enjoy the same jobs as men, the same education institutions and of course can vote just like men. So why was this amendment necessary?

I went to https://www.equalrightsamendment.org/why which seems to be the official site for this campaign. After reading through, I could only find one thing this amendment would really do. Solidify Abortion as a woman’s right. As they put it “protect Roe. V. Wade”. Please read https://controversial-talk.com/the-pro-choice-illusion/ . Women are not banned from military service, they are not barred from certain jobs and enjoy the same rights and privileges as men.
I have been working since 2006 and in that time, most of my bosses and managers have been women. I can think of very few jobs even in the factory where women were not at least 50/50 to men (or more). I know for a fact most of them made more than I did. As a manager at a fast food restaurant I know that a 17 year old girl was started at 9.50/hour with no experience and I started at 8.50, 27 years old and 12 years of food experience. There is a wage gap but it is not men who are befitting, it is Women!
What about the wage gap?
In this climate of feminism employers are terrified of being sued by women so they always try and start them with a higher wage compared to the male’s. The same is true for openly transgender people and those with African heritage. So I thought this would be a amendment about the wage gap, but no it is more about killing innocent children who have not even been born.

Ask yourself if you have ever seen as many female construction workers or trash women as men? I personally have never seen a trash girl. Do you as a woman want to pick up trash, clean out rail cars, work on sky scrapers, or pull engines out of cars? These are the questions many woman already have answered. They don’t want dirty, nasty, smelly or dangerous jobs but men do! I’ll let you ladies a little known secret, men will live and die working themselves to death just to provide for you! That is why we take these jobs, which tend to pay more than jobs that woman gravitate towards. That is the reason for the wage gap, not sexism!
Now turn your mind to the cover photo of this article as it shows what equality really would look like. Men and woman working all the same jobs. That means that all the female dominated industries would have to fire some of the woman until 50% of the filled positions are woman and allow only men to fill the other 50%. The same would be true for Male dominated industry. Chaos would ensue, would the woman and men forced into jobs they do not want be good at their work? I know plenty of people who didn’t like the Job they were working and because of that did not give their all when working. I doubt that the results would be very positive and I know that is far better for men and woman to make their own decisions on where they want to work than have Government force them to be equal.
Now it’s your turn, leave a comment and share this article even if you disagree so that the trolls know where to find me. Yashua bless and have a great day! I also want to thank all the level headed women who read through to the end. Thank You!