https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/12/abortion-is-the-social-justice-issue-of-the-millen/ ORIGINAL by Charlotte Pence.
Social justice is a driving force in our millennial generation, defined as “a state or doctrine of egalitarianism,” and our attention to its perpetuation comes across in more than just policy engagement. It is a major factor in the decisions we make — how we shop, what we eat and the causes we promote.
Millennial’s are increasingly creative in the ways we support certain agendas, and feel a responsibility to interact with society in a healthy way that brings equality to all instead of a select few. If our generation is to be concerned with the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the oppressed and the outsider, the unborn child fits all of these descriptions. Yes, abortion is a violation of providing life to a human being — but it should also be acknowledged as oppression in its barest form. It ostracizes the weaker members of society, and it places a particular burden on minority communities.”
She is not wrong, most news outlets that report on this should do more to side with her. Who would want to murder innocent children? These “abortions” are murder. We forget this and push it to the back of our heads, of course we do, if we didn’t then we would have to admit we live in a Nazi-esk county and the Left is the party of Hitler. Controlling the poor is part of the American political lefts goals. Leftist feel they know better than you whether children should be born and if they can thrive in your community. Forget about trying to uplift the people or the community so that economy goes up and crime goes down. Why try helping the people who elected you? Rhino-Republicans are no better.
How many women get abortions?
Percentage of United States women who have had abortions. This figure has risen from 2.8% in 1973 to 11% in 1980, 19% in 1987, 24% in 1994, and 27% in 2001. In 2008, of women ages 40-55, about 40% have had abortions in their lifetimes. From 1967 to September 2008, approximately 50,200,000 abortions occurred in the United States; of these,…Reference: www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/uslifetimeab.html Over 30 years thousands of kids were aborted per day.
Most woman supposedly do not regret abortions. What kind of valid logical argument is that? I bet the bank robber who gets away with the money does not regret the robbery, nor does the rapist, murderer or any criminal who gets away with a crime. If you do something wrong without knowing it, or being told then you will of course have no regret. There are people who believe we are born good. I am not so naive. Humans tend towards chaos and disorder not harmony and order. The stabilizing force that must be applied for humans to be Good is faith and obedience to Yashua (God) of the Bible.
Without God we have no morals, no values, no faith, no hope and no future. Many will claim it is possible to move past God. Yes it is possible, just like you can move past the edge of a cliff, although I would not recommend that. Getting away from God is no different, you can get away from all those lines on the road but you will end up in a place far worse. There is no way to run from or exclude God YHVH while still maintaining civility and order.
People do not realize how many Christians are out there (62-65%) we are everywhere holding back the Darkness. We are the line in the sand that divides night and day! Satan and his minions are everywhere as well and most of them do not even realize they serve Satan.
This may all sound crazy until some one points out that we are self enslaved in a prison of the mind. Materialism and Naturalism presupposes all the aforementioned things are impossible or not important. We are taught from a young age that Genesis is Not History without every talking about Genesis. This is exactly why so many people falsely believe that the Bible is just a myth that stupid uneducated people believe when the exact opposite is true. If we ever hope to have a FREE society than we must return to God (YHVH). Without God we will fail and with us the world will fall into darkness that we have not seen in multiple generations possibly since the time of Noah.
Want to avoid hell on earth? All you have to do is share this and invite people to read it. God will do the rest, we must have faith in Yashua. God bless and have a great day!