Rights come from God.

This is a very reasonable and logical argument. God given rights can only be removed by God or you. After doing a search you find many people saying that rights are more defensible if they do not come from God. The idea that any person of faith would be more defensive of non-divine rights has no support in the real world. Religious people fight the hardest for what they believe and will even give their lives.
The argument that rights should not come from the Creator is based on fear. Those in power do not want us to know and exercise rights like they are designed. The Judicial system of the United States loves the additional power over the people it has granted itself by redefining the constitution. The same people who say rights should not be based on God will tell you there is nothing wrong with the Government interpreting the constitution. The constitution and declaration are the founding documents. They establish a government designed to be subservient to the people. It has its powers in the consent of the governed. We consent to be governed only so long as the government agree’s to govern by constitution.

Think of the constitution like the contract you sign with your boss, you have the right to negotiate with your boss but you cannot redefine the contract to your benefit. What the US has done is redefine the contract with the people.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The contractual obligation here is obvious. We have a right not to be searched or stopped without a warrant. The people is you and me. We should be secure in our persons, house, papers and effects against unreasonable searches. So who would decide what is reasonable? We the people of course, it is our God given right. The warrant must have probable cause and be supported by oath or affirmation, it must also describe the place to search, the person and thing to be seized. How often do they follow the law? How many traffic stops without warrants are done each year? Modern law through the case method says that all police need is reasonable suspicion to stop you in a traffic stop. Notice that reasonable suspicion is not in the 4th amendment. Also notice that police are given the right to stop and detain people without warrants based simply on the suspicion of the officer. They gave officers the power to override the 4th amendment.

Rights are nothing like we are taught. If they come from the constitution than people can change them by way of the amendment process. If they come from government than again they can be removed or changed. If they come from God it is only lawful for government to trick you into waving the right. A perfect example is “do you know why I pulled you over?” That question is designed for you to violate and wave your 5th amendment right. When you answer “speeding, running a light etc.” You have given them evidence against yourself and waved your 5th.
When police ask if they can search your car, they are asking you to wave your 4th amendment right. Never say yes, because if they find anything you will be charged. Another thing to consider is the off chance of a corrupt cop, you do not want to give them access to your car where they could plant evidence.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
2nd Amendment.
This one confused people. The militia is not the military otherwise they would have said military. The militia is all able body adults 18 and older. That is how the founders saw it. Please remember the militia helped defeat England. Than it says people as apposed to peoples or militia’s. The founders also designed the Declaration of Independence to say the we the people are endowed by our creator with rights.
The government is treating rights like their property. They can change them and restrict them. They do this because most people falsely assume that rights are man made, there for they can be changed by men. The people who righteously recognize the divinity of rights fight the hardest against corruption.
In order to be free we must know and protect our rights. Freedom is impossible without God given rights. Those two things gave us America. Without God in the mix no society has ever prospered or even survived. Without moral rights and a God head to tell us what they are, we can define them however we like.
Your right to life and property comes from thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal. You can own property because God established there is property. You have a right to life because God established life. These two rights cannot be taken unless you have a jury trial. As the bible says confirm all things through 2 or more witnesses. 12 people is even better than 2. The bible is the bedrock on which we constructed rights.
The truth is that if you want freedom, liberty and equality of opportunity than you must teach the truth that our rights are of divine origin. Those are far more worthy of protection than some dusty man made concept. They also are much harder to violate than man made rights.

Remember what Satan said to Eve in the Garden, did God really say that? Our rights come from God but people say, did God really say that? (Yes) Did the founders say that? (Yes they did) Are rights individual? Of course they are. Do you need to be part of the military or government to have a right to live? No, but they will argue that the second amendment is a collective right or about the military. Think about that, would you say in your founding document that state army’s and the military are allowed to own guns. Really what document ever granted the government or military weapons? That argument is so stupid. They might have also stated the sky is blue.
The only time you do not have all of your rights is in jail. You cannot own a gun, or expect privacy but once you serve your time your rights should be restored the second you are released. This is true for Felons too. The government has removed the rights of people who are convicted felons, which is unlawful. Felons should be tax exempt if they lose the right to vote on how their taxes are spent. We should have no taxation without representation.
It is very easy to find out if I am speaking the truth. Read the federalist papers, the declaration of independence, US Constitution and Bible. Look up Carl Miller on Youtube who does a great job breaking it down. I know my rights come from God and because of that no Officer, Judge or Attorney can tell me that is wrong. I can and will fight for those rights because I recognize that God gave them, and only God can take them.
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