Reasonable suspicion, Dangerous 1984 double think.
Suspicion is far from reasonable. Just think about how often you own suspicions have been proven wrong or been at least off the mark. We all have done it in our lives. There is only one right choice now in this post 1984 society, deal with it ourselves or say nothing. There are very few instances where people can’t or should not act to protect life, property or community. I know that people in certain areas where I grew up will go up to a stranger and ask questions like, why are you here? Do you know some one on this street? They do their own investigation.
This new idea of seeing something and saying something to authorities is so Orwellian it should be rejected out of hand. Can the presumption of innocence exist in the same society that allows and encourages suspicion. How can you presume some one is innocent and report them to authorities, or how can the police search them or arrest them with just their suspicion?

This flawed concept of reasonable suspicion should be railed against at every opportunity. This allows police to act unilaterally without the consent of the governed as the Constitution states,
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
4th Amendment of the US Constitution.
This is used every day by the police to stop people, had they obeyed their oaths, they would not have done so. The idea that this makes our society better is obviously false. People if opened to scrutiny will have many problems to bring to light. There is not a single person who can claim they obey all of the law 100% of the time. Even the police forget a turn signal or seat-belt on occasion.

If we want to be free we must demand that our rights are respected. When police pull you over they should have a warrant for you or your car. Well we all know they do not. There are many millions of people who have been charged with crimes because of police exercising reasonable suspicion. Some police even use it to search your car after you say No to a search stating “Your refusal for us to search your car gave us reasonable suspicion to search your car.” Well my head hurt just thinking about that.
Where is reasonable suspicion in the constitution?
Today, “reasonable suspicion” enables police to seize on suspicion. The Orwellian device subverts the Fourth Amendment’s original intent. Probable cause had been a limit on police discretion. Through Terry, magisterial authority gave way to police authoritarianism. Thus, the Supreme Court abdicated judicial control in favor of police control, what President Richard Nixon called “law and order.”
We are not free, we are slaves to the will of the state. God gave us rights and only Satan would want to take those away. Yeah I know you probably don’t believe in him. Remember that until July 1925 we had laws banning Evil-lution or evolution being taught in school. I wrote a entire article on that here. Evolution is a religion, one that skillfully hid itself as science.
This so called theory was responsible for the deaths of millions as it corrupted the minds of Stalin and Hitler. Mass shooters have been linked to the evolution world view, one such killer called himself the “Selector”. Nearly every mass shooter was on prescription drugs and came from a single mother household.
If you think you can divorce God from Morality, Culture, logic, and reason than I have bad news. That has never been done with any success. Any who tried devolved into chaos without the order the Bible brings. If police, judges and politicians were righteous than they would respect the rights God endowed in us.
We can only demand they honor their oaths. Call your public servants! Tell them to reverse Scopes Monkey trial ( The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes ), and overturn all laws allowing reasonable suspicion and probable cause.
The most important thing you can do is spread the word so other people start talking about this. We have to stand up for our rights since the constitution cannot speak for itself. Jesus said knock and the door will be opened. If we want to secure and protect our rights than we need take the time to educate ourselves and others first.
This is a very important article to share, so please do that on all your social media and to as many people as possible. Thank you for reading this, leave a comment and drop a like! Much love, may God bless the republic.