Red dead redemption 2: Annoying feminist gets punched in the face, fed to crocodile & thrown off a cliff.
Feminism… why God?
“Some woman-suffrage advocates, among them Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, believed that this was their chance to push lawmakers for truly universal suffrage. As a result, they refused to support the 15th Amendment and even allied with racist Southerners who argued that white women’s votes could be used to neutralize those cast by African-Americans.”
I think most men who game hear what this lady has to say, will want to punch her in the head, throw her off a cliff or just feed her to a crocodile. I know I would. I have long held that the problems with today can be traced to several major decisions of our history. Number 1 is Scopes monkey trials in 1925 which took us from “love thy neighbor” to “you come from monkeys and your a pointless accident”, 2 is Terry v. Ohio which expanded police powers exponentially. The third is the woman’s suffrage movement. Now before you go ape bananas on me, Let me ask you woman out there, do you want to take over all that men do? All the jobs that need people to work them, the dirty, smelly, dangerous jobs? The high stress job? Police, Fire fighters, Judges, Trash-men etc?
Woman never “needed” to vote, they had their vote through the husband. Men have always had a week spot for women and we will do anything to please them. The issue of woman’s rights was about separating us! Men and Woman were designed to work together. We compliment each other physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. They (suffragists) never wanted woman to be happy or safe, they wanted men to be free from woman, and women from men and both free from God. They needed woman alone, without a man to protect them so they could prey on them and they did.

Now grab a pen and paper and ask yourself how many unresolved conflicts did you have with co-workers? Make a list and separate them into two genders. My list for men is 0, 2006-present. My list for woman is extensive. I have been cussed out, hazed, beaten, and never once pressed charges because I am a sexist male I guess. The reason men beat up a virtual feminist is because she sucks and her ideas screw us guys out of a loving marriage, children, home, work and our futures! Even the sleazy guy hates it. I know its a stereotype but I swear all the feminist guys are Starbucks sipping, scarf and beanie wearing soy boys.
Woman’s affect on the law and society.
Woman have had a huge impact on our judicial system. They are different then men and those differences cannot be ignored. As a man the solution to gun violence is simple, teach the Bible in schools and get rid of all gun law. As a man I can tell you all the statistics and logical reasons why this is the best possible solution to the problem. Most men understand and agree unless they happen to be effeminate.
Woman where major drivers in the prohibition movement. The joke is they didn’t like their husbands drinking. I do not think there was a huge conspiracy but It wound not surprise me if the women who wanted prohibition were friends with women who’s husbands were elected officials and they pressed on their female friends to pressure their husbands into banning alcohol. The problem is that there were not woman voting, very few if any woman were elected officials. If they did drive the banning of alcohol we would only see men who completed that action. So even if the men were the responsible party it is clear that men and woman share the guilt of prohibition.

The Democrats and Republicans (Whigs) were both culpable in the prohibition as well and the woman’s suffrage movement. Modern feminist are the worst and we see it all the time. They yell at men who open doors for them or offer them help with carrying something. They belittle men for being too masculine. They tell us we need to be more effeminate. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Gen 24:2 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.” Deut 22:5 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1st Cor 6:9
The bible is quite clear men and woman cannot vote, since that would mean that each person is getting to vote twice. We make one flesh by marriage according to God. God took from Adam what he needed to create Eve and that became the blue print for all females from then to now. We are half of a person our whole lives up until we marry the woman or man who completes us.
By giving women the right to vote you override men, thereby suppressing them and their voice. Before we had to work together as two genders and overcome our differences to cast a single vote. When we changed it men and woman had to compete and thus votes did cancel each other out. Woman’s rights violates men’s rights. It also undoes the creation and design of God. He wants marriage to be the norm. If woman have to marry to vote with the husband more woman would. The raising of children is also another aspect attacked by modern feminism while ignoring most men’s urges to procreate.
Let me end with a thought exercise, What would your life be like if you had no idea who your mom and dad where, if you had any siblings at all, when your birthday was and what your name is? Would that be OK if that was the norm? I ask this because modern feminism seeks to break down all that makes life worth living. I want to get married and have kids. I want to own a home with my wife and start my own family. I love woman and thank God every day for their creation but I also pray that they find God and follow him so they can truly affect society in a moral way.
Let me be brutally honest and say screw feminism its just annoying and we need to get rid of it before it destroys what is left of America. From men everywhere “We love you!”

Don’t forget to Share this with all the SJW’s you know! Please like and comment and remember Yashua died for us and tells us how we can be happy in life. All we have to do is follow Jesus and we can have a good moral life. As always much love (especially to the ladies 😉 ) and have a blessed and productive day!