Proof of the Bible

The Truth is this plane we inhabit is a created place. I said plane because the bible clearly speaks of a domed firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below. It also speaks of measuring the land(earth) with a roller. It says that the earth has corners and that the stars will fall to earth. In the Noah flood account we see that the great floodgates were opened as were windows in the sky. None of this paragraph will make any sense unless you look at it from the ancient world view. They believed the earth was flat/level and they were at the center. Now we are starting to return to that point of view. “Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archaeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say that names of all peoples and places mentioned can be identified today, or that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.” (
As you look through this site and read the material you will notice a distinct biblical base. Some times it may be some what subdued other times it will play a major rule in the subject being disused. There is a reason for this that is more logical than you may think. Many people who are secular practice a religion and beliefs like I do but hide those beliefs behind the shield of science. When you read secular material they will state that the world is millions and billions of years old.
They talk about things that have only the ideas of men to back them up, and have no historical backing what so ever. A good example of this is the prevalence of the creation account throughout ancient culture. Almost all the ancient world spoke of creation and any reasonable person would infer correctly that the place we inhabit was created. This is unacceptable to the materialistic secular scientist or historian.
When the original Captain Kirk was asked what the difference was between science and science fiction he said they are one in the same. That video is on the side bar near the top if you would like to see it. This is true for people who practice “science” on things they have no physical contact with. This includes gravity, planets, stars evolution and the like.
The reason I will not hide my biblical world view is because of the prevalence of the counter-views which claim the mantle of science are taught in schools, used in movies, News and TV and mimicked by private people and even some Christians. So I am telling you this is the truth, not my truth. I did not come to follow Yashua ( Jesus Christ) because I was raised in the faith, I follow because there is far too much evidence to ignore. This evidence came to my attention only when I started asking questions about Why are we here? Where did we come from? and What is our purpose?
Moral questions can only have moral answers. You cannot answer 2+2= pineapple. This one realization changed what I thought of the world. When I looked into the proof I was astounded that any evidence was summarily hidden or ignored. Many scientist say if there was proof of God and Jesus they still would reject them. So can they can be trusted to tell us the truth?
DNA the fingerprint of a Creator.

DNA is the coding system that makes all life on earth possible. Without DNA, life itself would cease to exist. Now for the skeptic, one gram of DNA holds about 700TB of storage. There is no computer system on earth that can claim a 700TB/Gram of storage capacity. Now lets not forget that the human body has 37.2 trillion cells. Each genome in a cell can hold about 1.5 gigabytes of information or around 55.8 trillion Gigabytes. Now we know information cannot come from nothing and the system of DNA is so powerful, that to say it created itself would be as if you said this post created itself. The truth is obvious, information always has a creator.
What if there really is no God?
Chaos is the short answer. Without a ultimate guide to right and wrong they don’t exist. People could do whatever they wished and there should be no repercussions. Without God there is no designer and no grand design. Without God there is no purpose to anything anyone has done or ever will do. It is bleak and horrific to truly ponder the ramifications if there was no God. I shudder to think of a world devoid of moral absolutes. When your child asks you what is right? How can you answer without referring to a higher power. If you think its no big deal not to have a God tell us whats right than may I direct your attention to the Ted talk about pedophilia, and how we should “think differently” when dealing with them since they cannot help how they feel. This same line was used when the LGBT movement was expanding.
Flat earth the Ultimate proof.

Yes I said flat earth, and for good reason, its flat. The modern astrology camp is by there own admissions 96% stupid. They know only 4% of what is out “there”. The one easy way to prove the earth is not a ball, look for the curvature. In science proof means you can replicate a experiment and have the same results. So when people went to large lakes to test curvature they found none. No matter what altitude you reach you still cannot see the curve. More than all that there are no pictures of earth from space. If you go to NASA’s web page you can see that nearly all their “photos” are artist renderings and composite images. How can a space agency have no pictures? The pictures they do use have fish eye or wide angle lenses on them and this creates the illusion of curvature. Think of the red bull jump, he was above New Mexico and the curve we saw if it was real would mean that NM is over 25% of the “planet”.
It boils down 1. No measurable curvature 2. Experiments confirm 1. If you go to any large body of water say above 4 miles. You should be able to see curvature, or at least measure it. This is not the case however. I ask that you look up Rob Skiba and Robbie Davidson.
The Fossil Record
We all know that the fossil record exists. What many are not taught and do not learn is that all modern evidence suggest that fossils are only possible under certain conditions, conditions that are unique to a world wide flood. When Mt. Saint Helen’s erupted it caused a land slide. Land pushed the water out of a lake. The lake water carved a 50 foot canyon. The fastest fossilization on record was a fish who died by fossilization. Time is not the deciding factor in weather a animal becomes a fossil. It is heat and pressure.
It gets worse, all over the earth we find marine fossils, even on top of mountains. These are indisputable evidence of a catastrophic flood. We also can see trees in multiple rock layers deposited vertically. If evolution were true we should never find these polystrate tree fossils. But we do and this shows that there was a massive flood covering every mountain. The marine fossils make perfect sense to a biblical person since the waters were upon the earth for a total of 150, some say 371 days. This would be more than enough time for new marine life to sprout and then die when the water receded. As the flood ended the water rushing across our lands would deposit and bury tons of creatures in sediment. Including the newly formed marine life. In our current time we see these all over indicating the earth was at one time flooded.
Thanks for reading, please comment and don’t forget to share this with everyone you know! God bless and have a great day.
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