Proof of Sin.

Sin is when you miss the mark, the mark is the perfection and sinless life needed to be judged righteous by God on judgement day. The bible makes it clear that we all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. When Jesus Christ came to earth and taught us about sin he made it even harder to follow.
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5: 27-28
Jesus said that looking at a woman ( or man) with lust is a sin, same thing with getting angry. Jesus says that getting mad at your brother is just as bad as murdering him. The clear logic here is infallible, to prevent a action you must first prevent the thoughts that lead to that action. Only you can do that, with God’s help.
Now I want to prove sin to you, ask yourself is excessive drugs or food good for you? Does drinking and smoking add any time to your life? I know drug use has a negative impact on my health and I know that health and drug use are not synonymous.
Drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. Not only that but they will decrease the number of brain cells they have every time they drink. The drunkard is far more likely to die from heart disease, liver disease etc. The Drunk person can get a DUI, They can (and do) make bad decisions. Sometimes their drunkenness causes them to just sleep with some one or they commit a crime. If you intend to drink to get buzzed or drunk you intend to commit a sin. You are complicit and therefor guilty and in need of forgiveness.

Now the fruits of the sin are obvious, we all know some one who has or does struggle with alcohol. They are effected by the sin. A even more obvious example is gluttony. This sin is about lack of self control. A glutton would not eat just to provide nourishment. They eat for pleasure and boredom.
Sexual sin is another good example. People who are promiscuous have 100% higher risk of S.T.I., divorce, bastard children and infidelity than celibate couples who wait till marriage. Sin also comes with higher rates of suicide, anxiety and depression.
From a child to adult we are told the opposite that God says. God says he created Man in His image and from man he formed Eve. Man was a 100% copy of God’s image and he took 50% to make a woman and left 50% as a MAN! Woman and Men are two halves of the same coin!
If society was based on the teaching of Yashua (Jesus) than all people would be treated as family. Even when you walk into a place full of strangers they would great you like family and treat you like family. They would show love by saying hello, invite you to sit with them, and minister too you. Think how many lives could be saved if we acted and taught others to act that way. Some one on the verge of suicide could simple go out and easily find some one who will listen, help and care about them with the Love of Yashua. To a satanist, Darwinist, atheist or materialist scientist there is no need to intervene, in fact you are wrong for doing so!
Have you ever felt alone? Even in a crowded place with people all around it feels like there is no one. We know that we are not truly alone but without love we feel alone. The people around us rarely interact with each other unless they know each other. The people of today, even those who identify as “christian” do not practice Love as often as they need to. I know I do it and until I wrote this i did not even realize. Jesus calls all of us to humble ourselves before the lord, to pray and seek forgiveness, from God and those we have wronged. God tells us to help all those in need. Whatever the need. I heard a story on Christian radio about a man who found a burgler cooking breakfast in his house. What would Jesus do? I would say stay and eat ill even take over cooking. That is what Jesus would do, and when the question is asked why did you not call the police? You have a open and receptive person to the message of the bible.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.. Ephesians 4:32
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1st John 4:20-21
Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity.
1st Timothy 5:1-2

In our current Satanic society we have a axiom that permeates the culture. “Do what they wilt, shall be the whole of the law” Aleister Crowley
“…and he must, as a satanist, knowing this, realizing what his human potential is, eventually, and here is one of the essential points of satanism, attain his own godhead in accordance with his own potential. Therefore, each man, each woman is a god, or goddess in satanism.”
—Anton LaVey (1930-1997), Church of Satan
Many secular people claim we are a Christian nation. They claim we teach it everywhere and that our schools promote it. This is a bold lie, anyone who has heard about scientism knows it is a false religion under the umbrella of satanism. Evolution, the big bang and gravity are just the most obvious examples of satanic occult teachings in the school. Let me ask you, why would science and academia ignore all religions and beliefs on earth that say we are Created? Every major holy book says we are created, all the old legends say the same and yet science says that is not important?
Carpi Diem is painted by the approval of city of Sharon PA on a public building. This is about seizing the day and living for the moment. Any rational look into that idea shows how foolish it is. Drug users living in the moment probably OD allot sooner. The government endorses this. They also teach evolution and the big bang in school which give a clear take away “you are a pointless accident on a is insignificant rock, in a insignificant part of the milky way, one of billions of “galaxies” and when you die there is nothing.” Or as I put it, “Your here by accident, you have no purpose, and your death is the end of you and you came from nothing”. This is opposite from Yashua who says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made, in my image.” “You are my beloved children.” “Those who turn from sin and serve Yashua (Jesus) with all their heart will have eternal life.”
Evolution teaches that we are all some cosmic accident in a chemical soup. The Greeks, Romans and Chinese were all thinking about evolution around 600 BC- 333 BC [Before Christ] (BCE) Evolution denies the creator and the creation.
I am the Lord your God and you shall not worship any other god but me. “But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God)” (Exodus 34:13-14). I have to say that most people forget that graven images are pictures and videos by modern standards. That means every church with a statue of Mary, Christ or God is violating the command of God. God also says we are not to make images (moving or still) of anything in the sky, ocean or on earth. Video is just a large amount of single images stacked into one file that is read quickly from start to finish. God does allow graven images however like the Ark which had cherubim on it. God also did not destroy Caesars coin but said give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is Gods. The catholic church does pray to saints and Mary which is forbidden by the bible.

Satan wants people to live disobediently, constantly violating Gods law and walking shamelessly in sin. Think of the sad affair of pride parades. Men and Woman dressed very inappropriately and being prideful about their sexual and prideful sin. How prideful are pro-murder (choice) people? They happily announce they kill babies. Think of the pride of men who whore around with women outside of marriage and brag about how many they sleep with. Women walk in pride, even followers of Jesus wear yoga pants and short-shorts. Ladies let me say, “That is a huge stumbling block for me and most men!” I see woman dressed like the picture on the right all the time at the gym. There are underwear that show less than some of these “fitness” outfits. Ladies please be modest, please. Keep us guys honest and modest too!

Have you ever heard anyone use a name in vain like they do with God and Jesus? Have you ever heard Allah or Mohammad used? Has anyone used satan, Thor, John, or any other name of any other god?
Lucifer wants people to break Gods law, the only real God is YHVH Yashua of the Bible. Satan attacks God and the bible by hiding behind science (scientism). Notice no one attacks any faith like they do with followers of Yashua. Satanism has infiltrated the schools and your children’s minds. He wants to teach your child evolution, the big bang and the heliocentric model so he/she (yes there is only two) will grow up to disbelieve the bible, practice satanic philosophy, and vote for satanist without ever knowing why.
There is nothing in this world that is more important that the Love and Truth of Yashua. God made the world and all the rules in it. He decides who will have eternal life or death at judgment. Satan is not the judge he is the judged and if we follow him, his science, his philosophy, his politics, his ideologies and false religions, we will join him as Judged and death will be the penalty. We could choose to follow Yashua (Jesus) in stead and have Grace, Humility, Kindness, Love, patience, and the blessing of the Holy spirit and eternal life with Yashua when he returns.
Please share this with anyone who you know has not heard about Jesus, Has rejected Jesus or who is in pain or sin (everyone). God loves you and all his children but satan is working overtime to ensure that the truth and light of Jesus Christ is buried. He wants you to live in sin and Love your sin! Do not be fooled. God is real and Jesus will come back, sooner rather than later. We do NOT have time to live it up right now. Thank you, Much love and God bless.