We all see the darkness crushing in on us. We see the bills pilling up. We see the inspection is due for renewal notice, weeks after it expires. Our kids are screaming. Our workers working. Our minds thinking. And our hearts, ears and eyes are filled with what?
We know how politics just tears us apart. We see how mad people are getting. How lose the leash but tight the repercussions? We look around at all the madness of the crumbling ashes and cry why?
What if I told you that I could help you push the limits to your mind? We have all been trapped for far to long. I know that many of you, like me wonder and ask how can we make sense of, or even fix, this dark chaotic world? How can we ever hope to avoid climate change? How can we ever free ourselves from capitalism? How can we change?!
The Truth.
The truth we all need to come home with is… take a breath… we CANNOT change anything. There is nothing you can do that some hidden bricklayer did not build. That drink your drinking made with hands you maybe never saw? Who were those people? We all ask the questions but many of us are terrified of the response. It is, HEVEL meaningless.
As we drive on roads people built who we never met. Our world is entirely made. There is NOTHING that is made which was not MADE! Every single thing you use, from the phones to the computers, all made. Do you have faith all these things will work?
We need to let Go of these chains that bind us. Sex is a big one let it Go! Gender yeah gone! What about politics yeah that too. You hate Trump? Forget him. You hate Obama forget him too. Why are you looking at the other racers in the race when you have your goal to keep in mind? Why not pay attention to the path ahead of you? We need to let go of this idea of control, money or any other thing will ROT away. There is nothing you can own that time will not wither away to ashes. Do not be a fool and throw away the ONLY life you have! Your life was made for so much more!
Hope and Trust in God.
Hope is not letting the darkness fall on us, hope is letting the rising tide of our hope and Love towards God carry us into His arms. We think God is something you need as a accessory? If you have a brain you know you were made by two human beings. They made you science did not. We humans are the only ones making more humans. The darkness is Satan pressing in on us. He wants us to crack. He wants us to give into darkness and chaos.
Male and Female he created them. Genesis 5:2
You don’t have to. You were not made for that. You were made to be a beautiful creation let me help you get re acquainted with you. There is only two sexes and genders male and female. Females I do not know your mind well enough to properly encapsulate the scope and majesty of God’s creative genius. He made it so if Us men do our jobs you ladies will all feel loved, your children loved, your labors in the kitchen cherished, your every meal a delight. If we do our jobs as men we would be standing up for woman not waiting for them to talk for themselves. God made men to defend and protect the woman and children. Throughout history we see heroic men and we fail to realize Gods majesty shining through. Even in the mundane every day there is countless ways we could reach down and pull people up! Whatever you have to offer this world no matter how small. No matter how large the darkness is that we stand against, God will see us prevail. If you love God and His son who died for us to be forgiven then we need to reclaim what was lost to us for so long.
Forget Baby Jesus, celebrate his Life not birth.
Jesus Christ the King! we have kept him in a manger for far to long. That boy grows up and when he does he is enthroned in blood and torture to his cross. He came down and after three days he arouse. Gods people! We have been asleep for far too long! Gods people we have forgotten there is no black or white. Gods People There is no north or south, no border, no not a thing by mans hand that will prevent us from doing Gods work.
Respect Women in their rightful place.

So about you, You are human, He created you like that you know? You have jobs to do in a society, do you know what they are? Whatever we do we must always look for ways to do more. We must do more for anyone and everyone that we cross paths with and let God, let us know when. Men our job is simple educate, defend, build and repeat in necessary order. We should also lead in all industry so that our future wives have every need and want at Our expense. You know like the patriarchal old days. Yes men woman do need and want real men who are not afraid of pink hats. I do not mean having to wear them either. Thank God. We should be the best fighters, singers, doctors and teachers that we can be, why? It is our divine JOB! We love woman and we men should NOT be ashamed of defeating a woman in OUR arena. Men you did not put her against you, God did, maybe you get the Job and buy her dinner?
Are we Animals?

Seriously God made men who defeated Goliath the literal giant. Lets just ignore the fact he was a smaller giant. God brought governments down to there knees and from the ashes reared up New Governments. He flooded the whole earth! He is mightier than any Man! You cannot ignore truth as obvious as you see it. can you? Those roads were made on top of solid ground who made that? Evol– shzzzzpt NO! Nice try.. Evolution is a joke and We my brothers and sisters are the punchline. Animals are NOT accountable to any law. Next time you are pulled over claim your a monkey and see if you can get away with that.
Monkeys are nothing like us, they cannot pay our bills, they cannot fight our court battles they are animals and we are NOT. They can never do what we do. Men we need to be men again. Woman need our help. Children cry out and we need to respond. God calls all of us to do more. We need to be bold like lions and without fear. We serve the Creator and sustainer of all this world. We do not care what people in bondage to there hate and craziness care about. We Care about God and His will, His design, Gods creative work!
That gets me to my main point YOU! The whole earth was made for you! Every thing that moves in that night and day sky moves around YOU! Look you can see for yourself Gods creation testifies to who he is. The wind, the rain even the storm there is nothing that does not display the majesty of God. When we cry why, over natural disasters we forget they testify to Gods power. No matter how “evolved” we pretend ourselves to be, God shows all of US how small and tiny we still are.
God never hated you by the way. A father some times will let the children they love make mistakes. We sow many of our defeats in our own bad works. We sin and those sins draw us away from God. This is anything that we do that is not serving our God, who sent his son to die so we could be forgiven of all the horrible messed up things we have done. Of all those drugs, all those bad nights, all those drunk parties, all the bad trips and even when blood has stained our hands. God forgives you…. BUT you cannot keep doing whatever you like!
There is only two genders since that is How GOD made us male and female he created Us. We should realize that real eyes realize real lies. Look around and the lies that have buried our God fall apart. The sun rises and sets we do not. A atheist once asked me where is the evidence? There is nothing that is made that I cannot show came from God! I ask where is it NOT? The sun a unique and one of a kind creation. God made that and the lesser light to rule the night. Woman we want you to be queens in your own personal kingdoms. God made you to rule the home, he made you to know children. You know when they are faking it. You know when they are scared. You love your children and you, God willing had the love of your parents all pointing to the source of love and truth God.
We want to know what happened? We did when we turned our backs to God the same God who brought Israel out of Egypt. The same God who parted the sea. The God who made all the things we refine and use. We are dependent on God for everything. His earth gives us what we need and without it we would all have long since perished.
Politics, you need to sit back and remember who ever GOD puts in office there is a reason and purpose to it even if you do not understand. God is by his own rules beyond our comprehension. We have a choice we can try and control everything or we can allow God. We need new ears to hear. We need new eyes to see. We need to realize God is with us if we submit to Him.
God is Love and Truth.
We need to reclaim love and Truth. If we care about the truth than we should defend it. We should never back down from what we know is right. Sin will lead to death, all those people who practice it will die a second death. I think many Christians confuse a eternal fire with eternal death. We do not die forever. God would never be so cruel. If God exacts judgement on those in Hell would it not be his divine and holy fire that consumes the wicked? If God destroys evil with Sanctifying fire than of course it would be eternal coming as it is, from a eternal God YHVH.
We need to save everyone. No matter if they want to be saved or not. We need to save all the police, soldiers, and EMS workers. We need to save all the doctors and lawyers. We need all the Judges and politicians to be saved. We have to save everyone, the fast food worker. Always ask people if they talked with God or if they Love God.

Fair and Just standards.
People love to talk about lewd, vulgar and immoral things. If they can openly talk about such things, than we can Share our moral and righteous faith. If some one is open about their premarital sex or homosexual behavior than you can be open about Sin and death. When we hear some one talk about marring the same sex, we can and should say “No your not, God said marriage is between one man and one woman”. We should also point out that Marriage is created by God for humanity, not the other way around. We should also point out marriage is not a civil or government union. It is not man made, there for we cannot redefine it.
When some one is talking about Drugs, “Your body is a temple and we must keep a sober mind.” We should never stop talking about God. We are not weak, like Satan wants us to be. We are strong as Israel was when they took out the giants in the land God had promised them. Many ministry websites will not tell the Truth about Giants. God commanded his people to kill all these people/giant groups including woman, kids and animals.
God exacts justice, the wicked die.
Either way you slice that cake God was Just they were wicked. God’s people loved God and took one wife and raised a family in the faith. These wicked people raped, murdered, molested, blasphemed, had multiple wives, abused woman, children, animals and men. Now I am not making them as bad as they probably were. These people or Giants would have had sex with almost anything or anyone they wanted. They beat their children and raped them. Evil, wicked and sinful.
God never told any of his servants to kill people “just because”. God always left time for a people to repent and seek God. Those who did were spared from judgment. Some cities had giants and they were corrupted flesh and their hearts were evil continuously, Genesis 6:5. Those same evils survived the flood. The water could not wipe away our sinful fallen nature. God is a just God and withholds judgment until the cup of iniquity is full. This means God waits for us to repent until that hope has disappeared. He has done this many times throughout the bible, like with the Canaanites. Israel had to wait 400 years for their sin to be so great. Then did God say to Israel to wipe them all out.
The greatest hope we have is God and his word. He sacrificed his beloved son to die for our sins. We are all washed clean of our iniquities if we repent of sin and have faith in God through Jesus Christ. When we turn and face God we should humble ourselves. God is great and powerful. I know it seems hard to rap our heads around the Bible and God but that is to be expected. Why would we bother to worship a God who we can completely understand. If God is simple enough that we can understand him, is he really powerful enough to deserve our worship and praise?
We need to put our hope in God again. We need to read the word of God daily. If we love God as we should, then we should seek him whenever possible. We should pray, study the bible and research all about God. 1 peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 1 Timothy 2:5 – For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 – And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 8:58 – Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
When Abraham asked who shall I say sent me? God said “I am, that I am” Exodus 3:14. Jesus hundreds of years later says those exact words. John tells us that Jesus is the word made flesh. Jesus also tells us that he is the only way to the father. If we want to reach eternal life (Not heaven) then we need to accept Jesus and God into our lives.
With God all things are possible.
I honestly could not tell you that I would be alive today without God. God’s love and mercy have been over my life since I can remember. I have ADHD, and “anti-authority disorder”, I don’t agree with the shrink on that… pun intended. I think they may be true but if that is the case why would I worship God? It would be most illogical for some one with ADHD to try and read the bible. You know how easy I can distract myself? I also started using drugs in 2010-2011, I had my first beer then too.
I noticed as a child that everything is made so we feel lonely. Our schools are a good example. We all gather 20+/- to a teacher and if we are in need we may get noticed. More often then we like to admit, kids act up to get much needed attention. No matter what people do I always ask why? The more I ask why the more I realized that people are suffering. Children are hurting because they do not get enough love and attention from their own parents. The parents are suffering because they cannot enjoy raising a child, they send them off for 8 hours then fight over homework. They work and work sometime the mom too, robbing them of family time.
The more anyone looks at the society we live in, even hear in America, we realize something is really wrong. If we look at our God given rights we may realize that they have been regulated so much that they do not exist. Your second amendment is gone. We do not have it anymore. Government can and have charged people with felony and misdemeanors and those victims of bad government cannot own firearms legally.
Our freedoms are almost gone and only God can help us restore them. No atheist is going to care about a God given right. They are too busy trying to silence Christianity. The only time they ever stop attacking God and Jesus is when they are called out for ignoring other religions. Then they take a few brief hits at Islam, Jews etc. It does not take them long to refocus on the Bible. That is another great proof of God, how may people use Allah’s name in vain? No one that I have ever heard. Most people use Jesus Christ and God as cuss words. Why is that? My guess is Lucifer wants people to break Gods commands.
Please share this even if you may not agree with everything. We need to spread truth and Love. Sometimes those things seem so far away. We cannot let ourselves be fooled. God is real, mighty, glorious, powerful and Just. He is also a lot closer than we have been taught. Remember we are soldiers at war and God is our commander and Chief. Time to open the orders (bible) and draw up a battle plane. Remember Share this, God bless, God speed and God save and bless the Republic.