You are not the best and never will be.
We all like to think we do our job. This is the worst thought we could have. We as employees never should just do “our job”. If we use the “my job” line we can be lazy. Will that result in a promotion or a raise? Think of it this way, you are at a public swimming pool and there is a life guard there. Some one is drowning and the life guard does not care. Do you help even though that is not your job? The same is true for work and school. We are not doing the “job” of our coworkers we are helping the week (lazy). We are helping the next shift as well.
Our job should be anything that needs done. We should never think this is not my job. To be great is to think this is a opportunity to help! The easy route is often the lazy and wrong way. Let us avoid the lazy path.
Imagine yourself as your boss. Who would impress you more? A person who does anything that needs done? Would you like the employee who sees a mess left by 1st shift and does nothing to fix it since it is not “his job”? Remember that people with excuses also are people with no raises and promotion. No one likes a person who makes excuses. Do not be that guy or girl.
Criticism leads to growth.
The best employee wants to be criticized. The best employee also will continually look for ways to improve upon himself. This should be obvious. If we receive criticism we can improve. With more critique we can grow and thrive at work or school. These things go hand in hand. If we want more money we need to improve. There was only one person so perfect they cannot improve. If you think you are perfect then you may be a narcissist.
Jesus was the only perfect person on the face of Earth. He gave a perfect example of how to say yes and no. Most people that are great employees are often great Christians. The reason is simple. We serve others. From the boss man to the area supervisor. We also serve the poor and hurting, the guest and the coworker. We love them. It should never matter how hard it is to say the right thing.
We had to change to become everything we are. Once we never spoke. Now we speak, we never walked, now we do. Our life is all about change. The question is… will we change for better or the worse?
Be adaptive or be left behind.
Let every interaction with your coworkers and guests be a test. No matter how long you have been with a company there is always room for you to grow and get better. We forget this all to often. We are human. Humans do backslide. We need to remember our weaknesses. If we call others out for doing wrong, will they do the same for us? I used to think it was rude or would get me in trouble. Now I know that if I want to change than I need honest coworkers. The only way to inspire them to action is to be the leader and act!
Every day is a new opportunity to show people you are growing. Attack the day head on. Come in to work smiling. Even when you do not feel like it. Which is when you should smile the most. Be happy with all people you interact with no matter what position in society they hold.
When we refuse to adapt we risk catastrophic. Refusing to adapt when new information becomes available is a fools errand. Imagine a deer running into the road. You must adapt to avoid it.
When ever conflict or problems arise we have a choice to adapt or surrender to the situation. When a customer complains we should adapt to the situation. Our action should be with the soul effort of fixing it. At the very least we can ask them what they would like done. Then offer to have a manager or superior call them.
The number of ways we could help fix bad situations is endless. The number of ways we can do things poorly is also numerous. We need to be the people that can handle any situation and come out with everyone happy. When we do this we become a indispensable team member.
It is not hard to do. If you want to learn than simply follow the steps and advice in this article.
Be courteous and chivalrous.
This may be easier if you are a shy person. We all know if we are shy or outgoing. Shy people like myself must learn to be more outgoing and social. We must also learn to fight the good fight. To speak up when we need to.
Courtesy may seem like common sense but most of us have forgotten. This includes opening doors, leaving every place better than you found it. Cleaner than it was when you got there. There is no limit to what you can do to tidy up the place. You can throw trash away or push in chairs. You can also take a few extra carts back to the corral at the market. We need to practice this courtesy in everyday life. If we do not practice than we do forget.
We must always think of others. Not for the sake of looking good but for being good. When we do good for others and ask nothing in return we are the greatest that a human being can be. There is no greatest kindness than the selfless kind.
If we practice the courtesy then the next step is to become chivalrous. “The combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.” Unlike the common person Knights were both meek and brave. They would defend anyone who needed them. They would never hurt anyone out of revenge. They were slow to anger. Chivalry is not natural for us and must be practiced just like courtesy.
Be Humble.
To be Knight like is to be meek. This also can be called humility.
a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.
This is not a easy task for most people. This mentality must be taught or learned. We tend towards meekness or bravery but not both. When we become one or the other we fail at life, work and relationships.
Do not expect anything in return.
Our expectations are the root of our hurt and pain. We have no right to expect anything. When we do this we are always setting ourselves up for emotional failure. I know that it feels comforting to expect your boss will give you a raise. We Love to expect more than the world can give us.
The only reasonable expectation we have is that Jesus is God and died for our sins. All others may be whispers in the wind. No matter who you work for you should never expect anything from them. When we create a expectation it is unreasonable to expect some one to meet it. Don’t you think so?
Even the bible says then when Jesus tells us:
Luke 6:35
“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.
Do not worry, these things do not make you a christian. These ideals and values do make you a hireable, indispensable, kind, hard working, courteous and chivalrous person. One that that good people look up to and bad people loath. Be kind to those who hate you. To prevent them from doing any harm to you by their words.
Being kind makes any attempt against you backfire. Who are you more likely to protect? The person at work who helps everyone and is nice to anyone? Kindness and virtue make us the best person we can be. This will help you make more money if you apply these principals.
Be kind to everyone. There is nothing that is NOT your job. Always leave places better than you found them. Clean up after yourself. Do not get angry or rude. Never seek revenge. We must always forgive. Think not of what last shift did not do, rather think what you can do to help the next shift.
If you follow this advice and work hard every day than you to can improve. Never become lazy and uncaring. You must strive for excellence at every opportunity.
I pray that this will help you now and in the future. Do not worry if you do not get it right away. Do not beet yourself up when you make mistakes, just learn from them. If you are Christian pray to Yahweh for guidance and help.
Another hint is never be afraid to ask your boss what improvements you need to make to earn a raise. Asking questions shows your employer that you want to do better.
Hey don’t forget to share this if you found it informative and helpful. God bless and have a great day!