No one is LGBT, it is all in our head.
When I was a young boy me and a friend Ryan dresses up like girls. We did this because two girls wanted us too. We liked the girls, and they were paying. Only 50 cents per boy but hey, we were kids. I laugh looking back on it. The sad thing is men typically will want to dress like women. Men will want to fantasize about being a woman. Men think about it; I bet anything on that. The reason we do, because we know we cannot and should never dress or act like woman. Same thing with the rest of the spectrum.
LGBT get’s away with lying to us so we think people like that are “different”. There is no difference with those people who have been tricked into doing what every man and women has wanted to “experiment” in.
Woman and men alike, we all have urges and feelings. We like to reformat these things into something entirely different. We like to create a new class that does not exist. LGBT, this is dangerous because anyone who speaks out against the LGBT is accused of bigotry and intolerance. Bare in mind we created LGB and T out of thin air. This is SIN nothing more or less.
I want to witness to LGBT people in my community but that thought is terrifying. Witness is the Christian way of saying talk about God, Jesus and forgiveness of sins. We need to save them, but we are made afraid by the culture. I really love (I love everyone) this one lady I know but she is coupled with a woman. I will not use marriage to describe any same sex union. Marriage is made by God, he defines what it means. Without God there is no marriage. It really hurts me deeply when people say married with same sex couples. It hurts because God never wanted it to be this way. God loves people but hates sin, no LGBT person ever will be judged good in God’s sight unless they repent. Also LGBT could argue God is Pansexual…ick.
I really feel and see the hate coming from the LGBT groups towards Christians. We want to save all flesh like God commands. They make this very difficult. Thank God we still live in America not Canada.
Sex is something that we enjoy. If we are blind and cannot tell who is doing what to us some might say why care? God cares, common sense demands, and logic dictates. We cannot live as LGBT just like we cannot live as turtles or skunks. We are humans and as such we are built for the opposite sex.
Without sexual couples (the reproducing kind) we cannot keep the human race alive. We also cannot raise children without a mother and a father. Again we are designed to have to opposite sex parents. Further even if you believe in the myth of evolution then we still evolved to have two parents.
No LGBT person should raise a child, that is child abuse. whether we like it or not. This is a danger not just to every person of faith but the future of our people. Without strong opposite sex parents, children will be more likely too go down the path that liberalism has set down for them.
Lets be clear we all start as strait people. Then we might question our sexuality or become Bi. Then we decide we do not want to date the opposite sex for whatever reason. Then we become Gay or Lesbian. When we decide we still want what we had before (the opposite sex) we began to call ourselves trans and might change our physical appearance.
Remember that in 2014 the scouts began to accept gays into the program. Then within a few short years they had sexual assaults happening. Strait men never do that. The LGBT mentality is sadly rooted in sexual and verbal abuses. This is the real cases, not the trendy people who just join up because they look cool.
This is something else you can never talk about besides grooming. Before I get to grooming lets talk about the sexual assault. This is huge reason that no person other than strait people should adopt a child. The boy scouts make the case. When I heard that scouts were coming forward about abuse the first thing I thought was, “Well they were gay scout leaders, or fellow scouts.”
There is no way I would ever approach or even Think of such evil things with regards to a child. No normal sane person ever would. But then again I am a christian and God is pretty clear on the rules. I cannot even remember such a thought crossing my mind unless you count when I was under 18. Even then if memory serves I liked same or older than me. So if I was 13 I liked 13 and older girls. God made the rules for US. We need rules from God because there is no other way to base our laws. Without God of the bible murder and rape would be legal.
I pray most people know that we cannot condone this behavior. Now what about the grooming? Have you ever heard that term before? Grooming is quite sinister. When Men or Woman want to create more LGBT people they groom them. Brain washing them into acceptance of the agenda as a whole. The most benign but still dangerous is mental programming. This is when the cross dressing drag queens read stories to your kids in school or a public library. I and many with me consider this sexual corruption of a minor.
This is very common. It exists in almost all media and all over cable and Youtube. Children grow up thinking “gender is fluid”. There are only two genders and anyone with common sense will agree, let me know in the comments section.
Now I know you may think there is no reason to oppose LGBT but lets think about what we just went over. Sexual sin (assault) is happening to young adults and children. People are grooming them mentally and physically for LGBT adult life. This goes way beyond simple acceptance and into forced changed. We must accept or we will be jailed or fined. Who would hire you if you said “kids under 18 should not undergo gender reassignment surgery” and then were charged with a hate crime which appeared on your background check.
Lets not forget one huge point, gender reassignment surgery and hormones. This is a new frontier that liberals want your children to decide their own gender and you as parents CANNOT stop them. If 5 year John wants to be changed into Johanna with hormones and surgery you have to say yes. You could say no but then you lose John!
It is so very difficult to even talk about this subject because I love my nephews in Oklahoma. I miss them so much and want them home. So I can give them a strong God fearing foundation that will help keep them from these old (Roman and Greek) and perverse ideologies. I even feel weird saying love anymore! Love in the LGBT lexicon means sex. I mean “love is love so if two woman love each other”…. that is what they say.
They steal and redefine every word we have. Marriage is now a same sex union. Sex is Love. Opposition is hate filled Bigotry.
In some cases I have used the term pervert to describe LGBT thoughts and behavior. Not as a insult but as a more accurate and pointed word to describe exactly what these people are doing.
The above video is about how we need to “think differently” about pedophilia. That is the adult relationship with a child. I doubt most people would ever support such a thing. I know most oppose it. This is just the lattest in a long historic string of abuses that we as a nation and as earth have suffered. Satan (Baphomet) himself is a trans.

If the sin of our nation continues we will lose America. The American dream and all the hope for the future will be gone. We as a people and culture will die out. It may seem impossible but the policies of the left are designed to erase all American culture. We are on the chopping block so to speak. If we want to survive we have to humble ourselves to God and ask him to help us change the tide of this spiritual battle. If your not into saving the world just share this article around. You never know who it may impact. God bless, God speed and God save the republic! Remember to share this! Thank you for reading and please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. We are all different and as such should always be ready to debate ideas and share.