No one would say that no laws are a good thing. We all know there must be rules in a society in order for it to function. However for every law you make you create a criminal. Now we all can agree on the need to make murder or rape illegal, this isn’t the subject of the debate. The real question is where is the cut off?
Americans and your Constitution.
The cut off for people who live in the Constitutional Republic of the United States is when you infringe on another persons rights. The right to Life, liberty and property, these are where we draw the line. We have many laws that do not follow the US Constitution. Marijuana laws are one example. Essentially any law which cannot name a actual person as a victim of a crime (excluding the government.) is unconstitutional. The Constitution designed the three branches to guard against one branch acquiring more power than any other. However this is not the case now.
Article 1 section 9 of the U.S.C states that bills of attainder’s are forbidden. If you look that up you will find it is a Ticket/Citation/Summons or any document that does not allow you to exercise your right to a jury trial. When you go to fight these tickets you often loose unless the “peace” officer doesn’t show. If you read the rules, if the state is a party or witness and only they allege you broke the law you have every right to ask for a dismissal. This is against the rules of court, you couldn’t have a victim who is friends with the Judge and prosecutor. How could that ever be fair. SO when you fight these things ask who is my accuser/witness? If the Justice or Judge says the State, than you have them dead to rights. They cannot be the Judge, prosecution and the witness. Then you have a right to have the case dismissed or moved to federal court.
There is a mountain of information on all the ways you can defeat any criminal charge in court using the same rules that police, judges and prosecutors use against you. So long as you didn’t damage any person or their property. The same thing is true for the state The Man who taught me all of this and more is Carl Miller. He can be found on YouTube and always has a black POW hat on. The Statutes and “laws” we often think of are by the courts own rules Null and Void.