Hong Kong protesters asking Trump for help.
We often forget there are other people than us and they have it far worse we do. These men and woman in HK are in a much worse position than are. They have a government that tracks them and controls them like the dystopic tyrannical government that they are. China does not care about human rights but these protesters do. They know if china can get more control than they will.
This should be a clear wake up call to all of us here. They like many, understand that the United States of America is the greatest nation on earth. The first Republican president Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery and was shot by a democrat. We have forgotten our constitutional representative republic.
Republic NOUN
- a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
Constitution NOUN
- a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
We made a government of by and for the people. Not the intellectual, the politician, lobbyist or the lawyer. Average people should be in all levels of our government but we have forgotten our responsibility to our nation and need reminding by others who do not even live in our country.
We need to read the founding documents and understand how and why this country was formed. We made this nation for a moral and free people. If we are not moral enough to self regulate than we end up being regulated. We need to remember that this country was founded on sacred not secular values. As for Hong Kong we have 2 options. Get involved militarily or offer all those who wish to leave asylum in the US.
The best option is make them the 51st state but that means we will have to fight China since they would not allow us to set up a state in their back yard. All around Hong Kong is china. They will not easily part with it and we may have to fight physically over it.
Through God all things are possible, without God nothing is possible. Whenever we fight evil we should welcome help when we get it but not expect it. That way we can make better plans to fight without being dependent on anyone group or government.
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