The linked article is about the forgotten right that we gave up without even knowing it. This right was and still is a right we were given by the Creator (YHVH). No right ceases to exist simply because we forgot about it or didn’t know. What most people do not realize is the bill of rights also protects rights not expressed in the constitution.
9th amendment “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
This clearly protects unmentioned rights that we are responsible for, remembering and enforcing. This forgotten right is likely the single greatest right that we may possess. This right keeps government in check and prevents them from injuring us without just cause and ensures that we the people are moral and righteous as well as empowered.
The right is for the people to police, investigate, file warrants and arrest criminals as well as prosecute them. It is our job to police the communities we live in. This is easy to understand since all you have to do is think about all the people who you know who break the “law” and are cited or arrested when you and your neighbors could care less about the individual and their alleged crimes. Marijuana smokers are a good example.
When we give up rights and do not fight to get them back we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Ignorance is not a excuse for us in court so if police and the judicial branch are consistent than they cannot claim ignorance of the constitution or this right.
The way I discovered this was through my study of constitutional law and common law. We have a long history of law in this nation but most people find the subject matter to dry to delve into without feeling like they might need a nap.

I know that it may not seem important but if we look at the statistics we see that more criminals are killed by civilians than police. The civilian gun owners of america are statistically less likely than police to fire a weapon causing injury or death to innocent people.
This is not my opinion just so I am clear, this is American history. Our nation in the founding era, was built upon civilian police. They were not forced to pass tests or get a $5,000 ACT 120. They were people like you and me and if you saw something you didn’t say something to police, you were the police by extension only the worst crimes and criminals were prosecuted. The amount of guilty criminals who beet charges was far less than today as well.
Unlike conventional police, private citizens were alone if they abused this authority and did not have the willful ignorance of the state to protect them nor their “brothers in blue”. It is no secret modern police can and have gotten away with crimes that any of us would rot in jail for. If you or me forced people to pull over and then demanded money that would be highway robbery.
Bad policing is a non-partisan issue.
Another good point is that no matter where you fall on the political spectrum you may agree that policing has become intrusive and destructive. When people feel trapped with no way out they some times resort to acting more like cornered animals. Fear takes hold and we either resort to fight or flight. Both reactions allow police to shoot or tase us.
Police can kill almost any person all they have to do is encourage a sudden movement and bang your dead. It does not matter that you were reaching for your wallet. People die with cellphones, keys and even a dinner knife (while eating) this should be a canary in the coal mine.
We need to talk police out of doing what they are told and those who do not comply should be sued. We need to take preemptive action and reclaim this forgotten right and now may be the best time in history to do that. The left hates Trump and thinks he is Hitler and the right is terrified by the left trying to take our guns and churches. Make no mistake violence is not the answer so long as we can argue and have a discussion.
I am one of those odd people who likes talking to cops, despite the knowledge that they can (if they chose) arrest people over almost anything and even lie to get evidence. I still poke the bear and I do this to find out first hand is this really the best course of action for the american people? I have found many cops that are what I would consider reasonable and just but for all the ones I find there is still a huge problem.
Rights as written are not compatible with modern police.
The fourth and fifth amendments are both in direct conflict with the police and their daily action. They pull people over and arrest them without warrants. They routinely stop people and search them without a warrant (stop and frisk). They demand that you present your ID which can and is used as evidence against you. They require you to register your right which makes that right into a privilege.
They can and do remove rights that God (YHVH) gave you per the declaration of independence. Right to own guns and the right to vote are both granted by God! The state has no say in whether you have a right only God has that power. We need to tell them that this is not acceptable and we will not tolerate it for much longer. We should not jump to violence but rather speak to people starting with our friends and family. Once we have our family and friends on board we can talk to police and government.
I want to ask you something, can something you own be defined by some one who is not you? Rights are ours and gifts from God so only we can define what they mean and how they mean it. If you own a ford f150 the judge can say you own a Prius all day but that will not make it true.
What we need to do.
Carl Miller and Roger Roots are great constitutional scholars. He (Carl) expands on and reinforces what Roger discusses in his text. They both concur that our rights have been stolen or converted to privileges.
We need to actively discuss this with others and also train ourselves to take action if necessary. If some one commits a major crime in front of you, it is both your right and duty to arrest that person. Those crimes are crimes universally violent in nature and unacceptable in any civil society. Us policing our own also eliminates any cry’s of racism since people can police their own communities. If you even think about enforcing LAW you must know the Constitution!
That is another great point on why we should police our selves. There is two communities “the people” and “Government” they each will tend to protect there own and as such afford more rights and protection to their own group interest. The current model allows police, magistrates, Defense Attorney /ADA to judges to work together against YOU! We live in a stacked America with the government in control of all our judicial rights, which allows them to invade and take by force the other rights we have left.
Look around the world and see if there is any major difference between our justice system and that of other countries. They like us use the same system. How is America a unique constitutional republic if we have almost no differences with other nations. This was something that has bothered me for quite some time. How could police arrest and stop people at a whim? They do this without a warrant and demand that you present evidence against yourself. Nothing about this county made sense until I realized the lies.
We all should seek the truth and want to fix and restore this republic so We the People can be Free again. We need to recognize the truth that people need the power for the republic to work. We need to be moral if we want to have a moral and civil society.
These are links to the documents by Carl Miller and Roger Roots. They are invaluable to anyone who wants them. They will teach you a great deal more than I ever could and it would be advantageous for you to read further.
Not only is sharing caring its a duty to the republic, if ever there was a reason to share this is it. A free society can only remain so when people support and defend the rights of the people. Those are your rights too. There is NO moral, logical, or reasonable excuse for NOT SHARING this! Even if you disagree you are honor bound to do the right thing, or are you evil maybe? Please share it as many places as you can. Do you want freedom back?