Death of our nation.
Say goodbye to church on Sundays, guns and your burger and coke!

Buckle up for this one because it is one hell of a ride. Our nation is one of no color and no religion, meaning that we are the American people and we all should share and respect Christian values ( By no means does this require you accept Christ). This is so different from what most people, even some readers may think. The values of the Christian bible are the bedrock on which the constitution and declaration of Independence were build. We forget so often that those values gave us this current nation, not only that they were absolutely necessary for the woman’s rights movement, voters rights, and the abolitionist movement. The Holy word of God the bible was important to Abraham Lincoln as was the constitution and declaration. Another man who we all should know is Frederick Douglass who said the constitution was a fundamentally anti-slavery document.
The contributions of Christianity.
Christianity saved our nation and the African people from bondage as well as established the first Republic in history. The pledge of allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” Now lets break that pledge down.

What is allegiance? loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause. We pledge to ally with the flag which means not disrespecting it by kneeling or burning it. We support the united states and the republic. Most people forget about the republic. I know I did even though at catholic school we prayed and said the pledge.
Formation of the Representative Republic.
America was formed as a representative republic and was unique in it’s design. We had laws based on rights and moral rights and wrongs. We afforded freedom when ever we could, with respect to your right to make mistakes and even sin. Even though the early leaders and framers either respected Christianity or were Christians. Deism was also prevalent at that time, this was another god that was more distant and uncaring compared to Jesus.
The Truth is that without the holy inspired word of God the Bible we would not have the united States of America. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” John Adams. The founders made the Government of the united states for people who were or understood Christianity.
Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.
We are not supposed to be divided. We should see we are one people, one color and one gender when it comes to our shared interest in preserving the republic and the biblical foundations it was based on. Jesus tells all those who follow him that as the bride of Christ we are one with God.
Capitalism or the Free market.
The Free market comes from the teachings of God and Jesus as he said there is only four forms of currency, Gold, silver, land and Livestock. These are used as currency by people who were more wise than us. We use paper backed by nothing they used physical gold and silver, the only paper they used was a title to land or livestock.
Luke 19:11-26 shows us this in a parable, A master gives his slaves money to take care of and when he gets back the worst slave is the one who does nothing but keep it safe and the good slaves invest it or put it in the bank. The is a deep parable, the Gospel of Jesus Christ represents money and it’s growth is the ministry bringing new members to the faith. Then there is the law, once you receive Jesus you should seek to obey him and do more in service to his commands.

The last message is the use of money, it would make no sense for God to use bad examples that would lead to sin. Jesus warns many times that the love of money or Mammon is evil. What this is illustrating is not love of money but its responsible use. If you spend your money and do not try and invest it or grow it, than the only person who we can blame for our lack of wealth is ourselves.
This is important since it helps shape our understanding of what things should be compared to how they are. The banks used to make you money at one time and it was no small sum. Our current tax levels would make our founders roll over in their graves.
They want to ban your burger and coke.
In New York city they banned large sodas or pop for a time and this is no small anomaly. Leftist progressives push bans every chance they get. They want to ban guns, straws and meat. AOC’s green new deal should be on your radar if its not already. The Green deal would ban/ regulate planes, cars and even cow farts.
They promote ideas like eating sustainable bugs and even human meat since it is better for the environment. In recent news these people have even prayed to plants for forgiveness of their sins. This of course is insane but the left does not care. The other side of the problem is that those who don’t support these policies are not pursuing a better understanding of what the left attacks and thus what needs our collective defense.
The burger and coke was a staple of many people in america, maybe your having that as you read this. Statistically all of us have bought some thing in our lives. How often are you forced to buy something by private companies? I cannot think of any private business telling anyone that they have to buy their product.
I can however tell you about Government mandated insurance, mandated buying of plates, inspection stickers, licenses and other government owned products. We all have been there and the ability of our Government to tell us what we have to buy and provide the product is by legal definition a monopoly.

The left has gone nuts and nothing has helped people realize this more than the election of Donald John Trump. Trump may not be a poster boy for the stereotypical Christian but he has stood fast to the ideals of the faith and like it or not he has broken record after record. This is a great illustration of what God and serving him can do for a nation.
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