COVID-19 is finally dead! The risk and threat is gone too! There is no longer a reason to panic, wear masks, or social distance. Even getting the vaccine is completely unnecessary. Who wants to get a dangerous, untested, unproven and experimental shot anyway? Who wants to find out if our friends and Loved ones are lethally allergic to one or more ingredients in these vaccines? Pfizer has a criminal history! Moderna or Mode RNA is too akin to a deadly James Bond villian, they are run like a government outfit. Their employees tell of failed experiments leading to instant firing. That is not how science works! Failure means you still get closer to your goal. Unless your goal has more to do with GENOCIDE than MEDICINE.
[SOURCE] Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups
So we need to look at this like the has been, toilet paper shortage, murder hornet, coin shortage news, that this should have been treated like since the start. Lets look back with 20/20 vision no pun intended.
Event 202, Oracle films VS.
Event 201, World Economic Forum (WEF) World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations (UN) DAVOS
“Event 202; Event 202 is the brainchild of Allegedly Dave, that initially started with a 3.5-hour pandemic avoidance tabletop exercise that simulated a series of scenario-based facilitated discussion confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with a made up pandemic, driven by media induced fear – a false flag pandemic event.”
“Oracle Films; We are professional filmmakers that have joined the fight for open debate and freedom of information in the face of global government encroachment and big-tech censorship.”
Both Event 202 and Oracle films are a direct counter attack on the massive lies and disinformation being pushed by CBS, CNN, FOX, CNBC, BBC, Forbes, TIME, Popular science, Popular machanics, NYT. All media and anyone who repeats the LIES!
Lie #1 COVID is a novel Coronavirus
No evidence has proven this. However we do have evidence that these PCR tests and Antibody tests have false positives. All tests are NOT 100% reliable.
The above link talks about how not a single positive PCR test when tested (oh the Irony) has proven to have this new fake disease.
Lie #2 Fifth generation millimeter 3-d mapping and weapons systems (5g) has nothing to do with Covid-19.

5g has been researched and the studies say quite clearly that the ionizing radiation will effect more than just the eyes and skin… “but will have adverse systemic effects as well.” The wild truth is even man-god Fauci says the same thing HERE. People idolize the man and the Government. He cares nothing about you. Rather if he does care, he cares to trick you into killing yourself and your families. Genocide is the word of the day and their is plenty of evidence that the COVID-HOAX is just that. People are not getting sick and dying. They are barley getting sick. The treatments are more often more dangerous than the disease itself. Let us not forget that most people have to be tested (with false tests) just to know if they have the fake covid virus.
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech_cellphonesmicrowave158.htm COVID and 5g link.
I could go on but I am drained by this information as will all who pursue it. I know God has this all worked out, I am just trying to make sure people make a informed decision. The correct decision is to avoid all the lies, vaccines and drugs. The Doctors recommend we use vitamin D and Zinc. Focus on a strong immune system and ignore the fear porn. Jesus Christ is a God of Love, Peace and Joy not fear. Satan has always used fear to control and coerce the masses. You can choose to ignore me but remember many people have ignored things that they KNEW they should not. This could be anything but we all do it. We would rather feel safe in lies than be honest with ourselves. I also love to cough and sneeze in pubic it really shows who the crazy people are. I have no desire to see anyone hurt but history shows that the gullible will continue to be gullible until they experience something that changes the way they think.
The parents from CA know better than to allow 4g towers within 150 feet of their children!
Did you know COVID and EMF poisoning have similar side effects and EMF can prime your body for infections? Your body is a electrical system after all. It can build and release charges. Your synapses have electrical signals to communicate to body parts and tell you if their is pain. (or so we are told)
I have been researching and writing for years. Since I was 7 years old I was reading Encyclopedias and dictionaries. According to Ecclesiastes searching for wisdom of this world is foolishness!
I wish I could say that I have all the answers but sadly no human being could ever know it all. We do not have the capacity to be All-knowing. God does. I know if it were not for the grace of God I would never know how amazing and beautiful this world really is. Things are complicated and the lies are everywhere but because Jesus is faithful and just he leads all who seek him to truth and does not deceive them. Only Satan tricks, deceives or plots. Jesus shows the lies as lies just like a light in a dark night shows were to step. We must let the light of God guide us in all things and the light flows from the Torah and Gospel (Bible). I have also studied at length and found it to be trustworthy, true and accurate. Other so called holy books are not at all like the bible. Other than stealing from it to make a new religion which is Satan’s favorite trick.
We cannot change history in the future just like the history in the past. Our only power is in how we choose to react to history. Be honest about it or ignore it. I always choose to face it head on knowing my God has conquered sin and death and all though I will not be free from pain and death in this life I am free from sin. Who the son has set free, is free indeed. All praise goes to Jesus who died for us, to the Father who sent the son, and the Holy spirit (Ghost) who comforts us and guides us.
Yes Jesus is complicated, any real and true all powerful God would be more complicated than our minds would understand. If we make up a god than of course we can understand him. Remember this covid stuff is the precursor to the strong delusion. It may actually be the time of the NWO and the End of all things as Satan ascends to his thrown before Jesus returns. O man these next few years should be very interesting.