https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Live Map of all COVID-19 infections, deaths and recoveries.
What is Coronavirus?
Well its a virus with a scary name. I am not joking. The Novel corona virus like any new virus needs a name especially when its spreading. The Virus was discovered in Wuhan China. The Novel stands for new. The virus is like any other although the CDC states the droplets are bigger and thus travel less distance before falling. Which translates to not as airborne as the cold or other viruses. The CDC states “Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel (NEW) coronavirus…”
Does the CDC spend money making things more complicated than they need to be? The virus COVID-19 causes Coronavirus disease which is also called COVID-19. Maybe the guy at the CDC was high. You cannot get the cold without being infected with a cold virus. The same is true for all disease that is contagious. Coronavirus is also like a family and COVID-19 is the bad apple. The other family members are jerks but well known like the common cold. So you can have coronavirus, already have had it and still not be infected with COVID-19. Who comes up with these stupid systems? Just call it the Chinese super bug from uncle common cold. You may have noticed I don’t seem overly worried about C-19 since the death rate is still low. Viruses can mutate but even if or when it does there is very good reason and logic to being a little passe about this. Keep calm in other words.
How many people have died from Coronavirus?

At this moment 3,348 people are reported dead. This is of the 97,886 people who are infected. That equates to a 0.034 or 3.4%. When you look at the US numbers there are 221 infected and 12 deaths. .054 or 5.4% death rate. This is far worse than the mainstream media tells us. WHO says on their site, ” The World Health Organization announced this week that COVID-19 kills an average of 3.4 percent of patients, representing a significant increase over the previously estimated death rate of around 2 percent.” I still think my math is more accurate even if i’m just dividing the total infected by the reported dead number (God rest their souls).
This also depends on the source, CDC, WHO and John Hopkins all say between 10-12 at the time of this being written. https://www.popsci.com/story/health/covid-19-coronavirus-mortality/
How is it spread?
Like the common cold, standing withing 6 feet of another person who is sick.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/2019-ncov-factsheet.pdf CDC fact sheet about COVID-19

Stay calm, does panic ever help?

Trump is on point when he says do not panic. There is nothing and I do mean nothing that can be gained from being in panic mode. You will not survive any catastrophe if you panic. It also stresses you out and weakens your immune system. If you want to survive to fight another day may I suggest taking some deep breaths and counting to ten. Even if the virus was hanging in the air for hours and had a death rate of over 25% as well as stayed on surfaces for 72 hours that would NOT be a excuse to panic. If anyone panics they make mistakes. I am not saying you cannot have some rational fear or buy some extra TP and water. But do not let this take over your life for the next few months. Chances are it will blow over. In case is does not there is a worse case scenario.
MCE or Mass Change Event. COVID-19 Weaponized.
Looking at the charts I realized how age biased this C-19 Virus is. There is no doubt in my mind that if I where a evil mastermind, this would be the type of virus I would create and release. Why you may ask? Simple, there is no better reset then killing the older half of all mankind. With most of the youth leaning towards socialism, democracy and communism aka New world order, globalist tyranny. They also favor generally liberal policies.
Young people are easier to brainwash especially when they have no parents or grandparents to tell them history or the truth.
The older generations are there to impart the wisdom they have gained about the mistakes they made and the history they lived. There is no way to destroy history without killing the witnesses.
Without the older generation they could rewrite history. Technology has them half way there already.
Taking out the older people in nursing homes (like 10 of the 12 deaths) would allow the Virus to take root. All those staff moving in and out of the community, families visiting etc. This is already beginning.
Youth wouldn’t really care if the older people die thanks to brainwashing. I know I had that thought cross my mind, then I realized how horrible it would be if we lost all the professional, hard working, established, people.
” It’s no secret that American workers are getting older. Even as millennials become the biggest cohort in the labor force, the median age of all U.S. employees has crept up from 30 to 42 over the past 30 years ” Politico.com Now if people over 50 die off how much of every business dies?
How dangerous would the professional and economic impact be?
Now the good news, God willing this calms down. No matter the outcome keep calm and ask what can I do? If people may die, may I humbly suggest reading the most read, most purchased book in all history? The impossible book was written over 1500 years by 40 authors and composed into 66 books. The Bible is the book, I promise it will not let you down. God has made my life immeasurably better, not easy but defiantly better. He has saved my life and shown his hand more than once. I have asked for signs and received them. God is amazing but more than that God gives wisdom, knowledge, Truth and hope to those who seek after him. I also suggest practice the basics like washing your hands and avoiding large social gatherings if you are worried, but for many of us we cannot afford to stop even for a deadly virus.
C-19 kills hugs but that may seem less than important until we think about how social humans are. We already are disconnected with technology, how much colder will our hearts grow if we cannot hug or even high five?
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