A powdery white layer blankets the desiccated landscape of Botswana’s Makgadikgadi pans, one of the world’s largest salt flats. But some 200,000 years ago, wait what? 200,000 years well that is interesting considering there is no way to verify that using the scientific method. All experiments on modern rocks and fossils shows that the dates are always off and yield dates of thousands if not millions of years for objects of known age. We have done this with multiple samples from volcanoes.
We test these rocks that we know to be under 100 years old in some case as young as ten years and use the same methodology as evolutionary scientists. The results show that these dating methods always yield long ages 100,000 years to billions of years old. We know the ages of the rocks since we have witnesses observe them and yet the dates do not match up.
The only rebuttal I have seen boils down to, well those methods the creationist used only work on rocks older than 2 billion years. They admit as a defense that the “dating method” they use can only work on older rocks. So if you test a rock that you believe will be older than 2 billion years than you can assume that the result is accurate. I guess most scientists are asses and we are to if we believe them. That is NOT science it is science fiction, pseudoscience, fake/flawed science or scientism.
The study revives a long-simmering debate about exactly where in Africa modern humans emerged, and it has drawn sharp criticism from several scientists. They point out that although all humans alive today have mitochondrial DNA passed on from a common ancestor—a so-called Mitochondrial Eve—this is just a tiny fraction of our total genetic material. So even if the proposed founder population described in the new study is the source of our mitochondrial DNA, many others likely contributed to today’s genetic pool.
“The inferences from the mtDNA data are fundamentally flawed,” Mark Thomas, an evolutionary geneticist at the University College London, says via email, adding that in his view, the study amounted to “storytelling.”
These people do not believe the bible or in Adam and Eve, so why do they constantly mention them? Once in a while the honest scientist will speak up and point out the obvious. The obvious problem is contamination. These people believe in evolution so they must account for longer periods of time and more chances for contamination. The sane person knows all life came from the middle east since that is where the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve lived. The African cradle of life is to be expected in the creation model. The problem is why would humans have a point of origin if they evolved from animals. Any climate that could host primates would be fertile ground for the human race to come from.
Fossils carrying a varying mix of features from both modern humans and more ancient hominins*1 seem to be scattered across Africa, from the 260,000-year-old Florisbad remains in South Africa and 195,000-year-old Omo remains in Ethiopia to the 315,000-year-old Jebel Irhoud remains in Morocco. But after baking in the African heat, the DNA from these ancient fossils seems to have largely degraded. *2
*1 There is no evidence for a animal predecessor to modern humans or the extreme exaggeration of the age of the earth. Written human history only go’s back around 6,000 years.

Whenever you here about evolution know they are lying to you and hoping you are to ignorant to investigate or even question the lies. These picture sets show the primate family may be the only animals that have any similarity with humans, or they are the only animal a dishonest person can use to convince people we came from primates. But we all know that a artist is known by his works. If you know of a singer, painter or actor than you know there is similarity in his or her artistic creations. Notice that primate skulls look radically different that human skulls. We have a forehead they do not. Our eye sockets are smaller and our brain cavity is bigger. These things make humans what they are. The face of our skulls are almost strait compared to the slope present in primates. Once you know these differences you can spot all the money skulls they show you, you also will know when they are lying, which is anytime their lips are moving.

This Nation Geo article also ignores the implications of finding any DNA since any reasonable person would presume that DNA cannot last millions of years. We would be right in that view. There is no way DNA should survive at all and no possible logical explanation exists other than the fossils where buried rapidly not over millions of years. The way fossils form changes over time, when I was in school slow gradual accumulation covered dead animals. Now only sudden burial causes fossilization which makes sense according to the flood account in Genesis.
This National Geographic article also ignores the paradox of DNA deoxyribonucleic acid, the information in DNA is more complex and sophisticated than any computer systems on earth. We have yet to get anywhere close to DNA’s complexity. The Law of information states all information needs a intelligent source. DNA cannot exist without a creator but they will never mention this since it conflicts with the evolutionary lies.
The presumption they put forth is a dishonest one, the earth and all life is thousands to billions of years old. As stated before there is NO evidence for this assertion other than a system of dating that only works on rocks older than millions or billions of years and cannot be tested in the present because of the first reason.
Science is about testing a hypothesis, how can the main method we use to date be accurate in any way without having a way to test the method? We have no way to test if it may not be true. When we do test modern rocks and artifacts we find they yield dates that are in the best case, impossible.
Known Dates Inaccurate. Living penguins have been dated as 8,000 years old. Material from layers where dinosaur bones were found have been carbon dated at 34,000 years old. A freshly killed seal was 1,300 years old when they carbon dated it. Living snails have been carbon dated 27,000 years old. They tested a living mollusk, a clam, and it was 2,300 years old. It was still alive. (Earth’s Most Challenging Mysteries, by R. Daly, 1972, p. 280) (Science vol. 141, 1963, p. 634-637, M. Keith and G. Anderson)
So there is no way to date the earth that is accurate no matter which atomic method is applied. With carbon dating we can see almost all fossils contain C-14 which cannot last more than a few thousand years. Modern methods show older dates but samples still contain c-14. When science moved to newer methods of radiometric dating they ignored all the evidence that you cannot use decay rates to determine ages of rocks and fossils.
This lie is taught as science without a shred of evidence to support it. By contrast Christians can show thousands of living fossils.
A New Scientist article1 ponders a baffling enigma to evolutionists—‘living fossils’. These are creatures alive today which are identical to fossilised forms, believed to have lived ‘millions of years ago.’ Examples include the coelacanth fish (fossil coelacanths are believed by evolutionists to be 340 million years old2), Gingko trees (125 million years), crocodiles (140 million years), horseshoe crabs (200 million years), the Lingula lamp shell (450 million years), Neopilina molluscs (500 million years), and the tuatara lizard (200 million years).
We do not lie or mislead people because we have no reason to, nor would that be a moral action and a violation of the Torah or law of Moses. Thou shalt not lie. We have no reason to lie about proof of our bible. The materialist scientist does and feels justified in doing so. They could care less if they lie to you so long as you believe in evolution. The “Ends justify the means” as the saying goes. The Young earth creationist are the only scientists left on earth.
The materialist has no room to talk about our lack of scientific footing when they imprison themselves in a room called materialist science.
We need to understand that lies and evil exist and the materialist traps us in a prison of physicality. We are not allowed to question anything that is not inside the prison and we cannot let our mind wonder, but that ability to question hints that there may be more. God does exist and he wants you to know him. Do not let the invitation go to waste. Please share this.