Chick-fil-A Restaurant of Faith.

“The culture of Chick-fil-A fosters hate and discrimination on multiple levels,” the Sexuality & Gender Diversity Faculty and Staff Council wrote in a two-page letter, accusing university leaders of being “more concerned about money and corporate sponsorship than the physical, emotional, and mental well being of marginalized and LGBTQ people.”
So let me be frank, there is no scientific evidence or any kind of proof that the “LGBT/Trans” community is being marginalized. In fact I would argue that based on what we see, they are the least marginalized group in the US. They have their own month of pride. They have parades of pride. They have states that bow to their every ideology.
“ More than half of transgender male teens in the survey reported attempting suicide in their lifetime, 29.9 percent of trans female teens said they attempted suicide. Among non-binary youth, 41.8 percent of respondents stated that they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives and this is a clear indication of the metal illness they all suffer from, not intolerance as these results are the same even in CA”
Chick-fil-A made the news because Kansas University faculty members believe that it does not foster “a inclusive environment”. The idea that people should always feel safe and included is just plain misleading. No one will always feel that way, no matter what the government or school staff do. We forget that these LGBT people are not mentally sound. They believe they have a right to shove their beliefs onto all of society and we must respect whatever they demand or face the penalty.
Men and Woman a match made in Heaven (new earth).
We need to remember that Men and Women were made for each other. They fit perfectly for pleasure (in marriage) and reproduction. They compliment each others physical strength or lack there of. As a pair they are equipped to raise a child or children. This is nature, two opposite sexes are required for conception. The practice of sexual sin is any sex before marriage, and marriage is only between a man and a woman so Trans/LGBT behavior is a abomination to God. God tells us in no uncertain terms that we must live by Grace in Jesus not after the lusts of the flesh. Homosexual behavior is no exception. In case anyone was thinking that science says it is natural, remember science does not speak, scientists do. This is a political subject so there is no reason to assume that political science will be free from bias. Nature is not defined by science, natural law defines nature and science is only the method we use to discover those laws.
Science shows us the truth, if we listen.
Science does show us that there are only two sexes, as God said Male and Female. These two sexes have different chromosomes XX and XY. They have different genitalia called a penis and vagina. There are over 50 differences between men and women. (<Click to learn more) This should not be hard for anyone to understand. We have allowed ourselves to be backed into a corner. We must speak out and not be afraid of saying things like unnatural, perverted, sinful, dangerous and so on when describing bastard children, pre-marital sex and homosexual behavior.
Pedophiles and Bestiality. Outcropping of sexual sin, deviance.
The other side of this issue is child pedophilia and bestiality. Most people who support the LGBT community would not if they knew they are linked to these two issues. There are advocates for children and adults to enjoy “healthy adult relationships” with each other. These are sexual relationships. This would not even be possible if the LGBT rights groups had not pushed us away from the righteous ground. We should have said no from the start.
The first amendment. Divine rights.
They have no right to marry, since marriage is a God created union/ definition and “congress shall make no law respecting a establishment of religion” (the first amendment). Right’s are also gift’s from God, so for Gays and Lesbians to marry they must first argue that the Qua-ran, Talmud and Bible all allow and endorse Homosexual marriage. Well if you know anything about Muslims, Jews or Christians than you should already know that none of us endorse Gay marriage in any form.
So we need to take back marriage from the LGBT. They should not enjoy any of the legal benefits of being married unless they are willing to follow the definition. This is not a attack on LGBT people but a defense of Religious and Christians rights as well as children’s rights.
Sexual deviant is better term than LGBT, because that is what they are. They have allowed themselves to believe that they can have sex with anyone they want. They do not exercise self control. They are not sane since they routinely kill themselves or others. They throw a adult temper tantrums when they run into a opposing view or a MAGA hat.
It may seem mean or rude to call these perverts by their real name rather than what they prefer to be called. But we do not call rapist’s, sexual enthusiast. So why do we sugar coat it when people want to screw around with the same sex. This is perversion, sexual sin and a deviation from the norm. These people are Sinners, deviants, and perverts. This also applies to anyone who watches porn or has sex outside of marriage. Jesus died for your sins so all you have to do is accept him and ask for forgiveness and go and sin no more.
Of all the fast food restaurants Chick-fil-A is the only one that supports the truth, liberty, freedom and equality. It was Christian values that gave us America, those values gave us the constitution and the bill of rights, helped end slavery, gave women the vote and much more. We owe our existence to God and Christ without them we would never have founded a new nation. Without Jesus we are lawless and can have sinful fun but will die in our sins and go to hell and destroy the world with us.
“These Perverts (LGBT) protest by kissing and making out in front of Chick-fil-A. No moral person makes out in front of children or adults as a form of protest, they do it to attack and shock people with religious beliefs. They are the ones practicing intolerance. They redefine nature, science and the bible to fit how they want to behave. Anyone who questions it is a idiot or homophobic.”

Chick-fil-A is a rising restaurant because they defend the only true definition of marriage. How does the Sexual deviants respond (LGBT)? By making out in front of or in the business. They cannot respect or tolerate a different opinion and must shove their sinful lifestyle onto the eyes and mind’s of innocent children. They are worse than almost any people group that can be imagined. By contrast the owner was asked a question and simply responded honestly. Would the Deviants (LGBT) want him to lie instead?
They are sexual predators, now they, like Satan, want to devour your child. In Ohio a teen girl was taken by the courts because the parents would not allow their child to undergo hormone therapy and change into a boy. Learn more here. This is just the start. If this trend continues, we will live in 1984 where your child will oust you to the LGBT thought police, which Canada has now.

This trend must stop and reverse. You can say loving the same sex is not a choice. Ok, but having sex is a choice and you need to either keep that very private or expect to be called out for being a pervert. Making out, grabbing, petting, humping or any obvious sexual, or sensual move is always immoral in public. It does not matter what the people involved claim to be.
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