Can you be Christian and LGBT?
I will not waste time, the short answer is no. Please don’t get mad the story does not end there. You cannot live in sin and be a christian. This is applicable to all sin. Homosexual or LGBT behavior is sexual sin which includes any acts outside of marriage.
Jesus said to even lust after a woman is to commit adultery in your heart. Both LGBT and strait people do that. We are both sinners. Jesus also said if we follow him and walk away from our sin than we can be forgiven. That means I cannot look at a hot girl in the gym with yoga pants, which is a lot harder than not sleeping with people.
We share the same sins. Even though you have heard “your going to hell if your gay” that statement is true but they should also mention that you can be forgiven for your sins and go to heaven. No Christian should attack others. I know I have done that in my life.
Doing the research for this article I decided to look into conversion/ reorientation therapy. On YouTube the entire search was buried even if you search for testimonials and success stories. This means YT is hiding search results from you! That is not the worst of it, the politicians are banning conversion therapy where ever they can. Now isn’t that odd? Why would a voluntary program be banned?
Looking into the various methods that these doctors use it becomes clear that they are par for the professional coarse. These are the same methods used on non-LGBT issues but no one calls it evil or abusive.
There are a lot of people bragging about surviving conversion therapy. What exactly did they survive? It looks more like a exaggeration or a bold faced lie. LGBT people are not swept off the streets in a white Jesus saves van.
We think of God how we want to think of him instead of how he tells us to think. He says that he loves us all. He died for our sins. He wants all people to be saved. He is all knowing, all present, and all powerful. There is nothing beyond his control. The rain and wind obey his word. Jesus himself told a storm to be still.
God loves you, I love you and even those idiotic Christians yelling love you even though they suck at expressing that love. You do not need to sleep with anyone before marriage and by the same law you should not sleep with those of your sex, or wear their cloths.
We all can be made new by Yashua’s (Jesus) love, forgiveness and grace. All we need to do is ask Jesus to take us from our sins, pray, seek God and read the bible. It is that simple. You must learn Gods law and follow it.

God also calls us to keep the Torah or Law. Many churches these days say you only need grace. Jesus said that until heaven and earth pass away not a jot or tittle will pass from the law. Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and through him even when we brake the law we have forgiveness. Think of it like a parent, they tell you they love you and they give you rewards, boundaries and consequences. The good parent will tell the child not to do things that would cause them harm. No matter how bad you screw up your loving parent will forgive you so long as you don’t continue to do what got you in trouble for.
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Thank you for clarifying these questions: Who is God? Who are we? What does He expect of us? If a person actively pursues sin, then their level of repentance is VERY LOW. It’s like a guy in federal prison for multiple bank robberies. [1] He is “born again,” and wants to help everyone. But [2] he is making several elaborate plans to pull of some heists and store the cash. Jesus spoke a lot against hypocrisy, and ALL of us have some of it. However, we should not PURSUE sin and use God in our lip service.
Thank you, you are right. I could not have said it better myself, only with Gods help. God bless and have a great day Wayne!