This site is a YouTube alternative, it doesn’t give you opposite results of what you search and it has some of the same features that we all are familiar with. The video is about flat earth on
What’s wrong with YouTube?
Most people and even I used to love YouTube. It was a great source of information and when I searched for something I got exactly what I was looking for. That time in YouTube’s history is now bygone. If you look up trump, flat earth or conspiracies in general you will find mostly debunking videos.
“YouTube’s bias is becoming clearer and clearer; in October the channel started censoring videos produced by Prager University; 21 Prager University videos were placed by Google under “restricted mode,” which limited access to them for many schools and families.” The Daily Wire
Big tech companies have cracked down in recent years on these subject calling them dangerous and disruptive among other things. From CNN:
“New York (CNN Business)YouTube is making changes to its recommendation algorithm, which serves up new videos for users to watch, in an effort to crack down on the spread of conspiracy theories on its platform.In a blog post on Friday, the Google-owned company said it would start reducing its recommendations of “borderline content” and videos that may misinform users in “harmful ways.””Borderline content” includes videos featuring fake miracle cures for serious diseases, claiming the earth is flat and making blatantly false claims about historic events such as 9/11, according to the company. It did not provide further examples. Such content doesn’t violate YouTube’s community guidelines, but the company says it comes close”
“How can banning and censoring conspiracy videos not embolden the people who promote and believe in them?”
You know I think we all can agree that censoring conspiracy videos is not a good way to stop conspiracies. If I ask you why would they censor these videos if they are not true? What is the harm in a little intellectual fascination with conspiracies? How can any serious work be done on debunking these theories when they are buried by the algorithm?
If you are a conspiracy person like me you might ask, are they thinking this through? If you ban videos like 9/11 was a inside job and Flat Earth you may drive people to them. Another point, why are conspiracy theories bad for us but the theory of evolution is taught in schools? Oh yeah evolution has a bunch of degrees behind it so it must be true. I know for a fact that engineers and physicists are talking about 9/11 and Flat Earth but in those cases their credentials do not matter?
We should never assume that the source of our information is trustworthy unless we are holding a bible or citizens rule book ( Constitution and Declaration ).
Censorship overdrive.
No matter what you search for YouTube will now give you results that it wants you to have. The YouTube we all fell in love with gave us what we searched for and recommended similar videos to the ones we watched. Search engines now do the same thing, censoring conspiracies and politics. It is not something a lay person might notice, but if you type flat earth proofs in YouTube or any major search engine you will get debunking videos. I have noticed the same thing with 9/11, the Beatles conspiracy and sandy hook.
The failure of logic and reason with censorship is the complete lack of trust in people. There is no good reason to believe in something unless it can stand up to scrutiny. We must be able to test our ideas and views to ensure they are trustworthy and defendable. Do not misunderstand me, there are things which may be untouched for the most part all I can think of is the spelling of words. The definitions have also changed over time so that what one word meant to our grandparents has a new meaning to us.
The truth is easy to defend, a lie is not. This is so true for any lie big or small. We like to think we know the basic truths of our existence but sadly we have no reason for that hubris. No matter what we are doing in life the lies that exist will never invite you to correct them or investigate them. People and state officials want you to not question what they consider the truth. Off the top of your head how many things are beyond reproach.
The Truth has been easy for me to find, it always has more evidence to share when the lies must lie to make room for its inability to explain. We all should want the truth but when we go to school we believe they are giving us the truth. We think the history is not watered down and painted in ways to cover up or leave out some one or some event that may be much more important that we know.
I have found that there are rights we did not remember that we need back. I found science as we tend to know it is not as reliable as we think. I found that our future is more dependent on our actions in the present. I found the truth is much easier to defend than lies are. If some one is covering up or censoring a subject or video than one of these things must be true,

- The subject is true and they want to cover it up.
- the subject is a distraction from the truth.
- Honest people make mistakes, lies by ignorance.
The conspiracy subject in general gets tons of censorship and even gets deleted or banned. A predominate christian organization and liberal owned YouTube both censor flat earth and 9/11 as well. When ever there is smoke there is fire.
There is no chance that all conspiracies are false or that any person who believes in one is crazy. However there is a good chance that looking into the rabbit hole may cause a reasonable person to take leave of their senses but there is a great antidote, the bible. With the moral code and knowledge of prophesy we can rest easy knowing no matter how dire things may get or be we still have hope in the living God Yashua.
The most important thing about conspiracies is that none of the people I know who believe them really set out to get the view. The tired confirmation bias argument is the the silliest idea one could conceive. Why would any normal person want to change to creation when everyone “agrees” about evolution? Why would any sane normal person change to flat earth when we all “know” the earth is round (we all say round but round can also be flat) why would anyone do that? We all know that the truth is undeniable so logically if people move towards a view but not away from it en masse then it may be true even if we cannot stand or even want it to be.
Our emotions should not determine what we believe if we are good honest people. Imagine how often we based decisions on emotion and how well that works out. I remember once I bought a car because I wanted it and I liked the sunroof, I did not want to wait. That car cost me thousands and I did not have it for long. The Truth is sound decisions come from logic and reason. We should not do anything with emotions calling the shots. We should never let our views determine the facts but rather, the facts should shape our views.