Atheism a affront to civilized society.

Atheism is nothing new or enlightened. “The word “atheist” appears in English books at least as early as 1566.” The idea that we could reject God or his will has been around since the garden of Eden. Atheism is a religion, one not to dissimilar to Islam (Based on the Quaran) in that they both are militaristic. The average Muslim does not make it his business to constantly talk about and attack the Christians, the Bible, our God and Jesus Christ of course they are more likely to kill us if they only read the Quaran.
The atheist does attack, everywhere I look atheists talk about God and Christ as if it was their divine calling. To them there seems to be no greater endeavor than undermining faith in the word of God. They act like they are impartial and yet will go out of their way to make fun of Christians and Yashua. They talk about God like a deranged x stocking their old boyfriend and sabotaging his relationship. They also tend to be extremely rude and condescending. At least as a follower of the one true God Yashua we can be corrected by the bible. The atheist has no moral absolute to correct with.
Evolution evidence does exist, just not the type they hype.
Evolution is something we see every day in technology. From the cars and planes to computers it exists and shows undeniable proof that less complicated forms of technology can mature into better and more complex technology so long as there is a intelligence behind those innovations. The atheist hates this since it is also undeniable proof that their religious belief that a unguided process can guide new life into more complexity is false. So for evolution to be true we must assume there is a designer to help things along. They cannot make this assertion and we as followers of Yashua do not twist the word of God to fit this convoluted “theory”.
The picture for this article is the Darwin fish and that is a perfect example of what the atheist always do. They take all they need from Christianity without any of the things they dislike creating their own little world. They use the Jesus fish from our faith to make people believe they are right. They also must steal our iconography in order to do this. They claim they can be good people without God, but how is that possible? Without a moral law giver how can we have moral laws? The answer they will not give is they steal those values as well and say they just know how to be “good”.
Any person with a rational and skeptical mind can assess atheism and know that it has only one main target, Yahweh and Yashua (God and Jesus). They have no interest in science or reason, nor even logic. The world view they practice is based on eradicating all Christians by way of convincing people it is a myth. They want only to undermine the faith people have in the bible. If they only knew that such actions also undermine the fabric of a just and free nation.
Death on our doorstep.

If america became a atheist or even agnostic nation we would not last more than a few decades. Our society would break down as all have when they depend on a human concept to build a nation. The founders understood that most revolutions result in starvation, chaos and death. They had to build a nation that would not devolve into chaos. They being much smarter than us, decided that a christian base was the best and I do mean the best. Better than Islam, Judaism or any other religion.
A society based on logic and reason would be bad if not worse. All you have to do is think about what is more logical but not moral? Eugenics and death panels are good examples. Abortion is another great showcase of logic over morality. Spock is a great example of this, in the original star trek the last person you want to lead is a intellectual. The same can be said about the world we live in, the people with the brains are the problem. Another example is how technology, specifically twitter, allows people to post about daily life. Inuit people are coming under attack from the leftist (democrats) in our nation and abroad about the hunting of seals. Feel free to laugh for a minute, but this is no joke. The people to our north have a great source of food and clothing as well as uses for lamp oil and other things.
In case no one ever mentioned it, the left and atheism are good bed fellows. The left of this nation needs the evolutionary atheist mindset to forward progressive and socialist agenda’s. Remember that the DNC almost voted God out of the platform a few years ago. The left also cares more about race and people groups not the individual. They do not care if people have identical beliefs so long as they are ethnically diverse.
On the Christian right we know and support good environmental stewardship. We encourage people to have a fire while they are camping (Liberals won’t) because we know in order to prevent fire we must burn up all the ground cover. In the leftist state of CA they have had horrible fires since the conservation has become so intrusive that they cannot burn away the years of natural wood. This scrap wood serves no purpose other than for us to burn it or make it into something but they “protect” it.
From Law to Lawless.
Remember those moral laws I mentioned earlier? We need moral laws to build a moral society. Without one you cannot have the other. It may be true that we could adopt christian values and leave God and Jesus out of it but why would we not change whenever it becomes advantageous to do so?
In America we have rights and those rights come from the Creator (Yahweh). If we remove God than we default to the next authority, government. Then our own leaders can grant or remove rights from the people. This is already occurring thanks to evolution being forced on children. We can lose the right to own guns, the right to vote and the right to travel all by the authority of the state.

If our laws have no moral basis than tickets which are unconstitutional and non-biblical are allowed. A ticket or fine allows the government to steal our money at gunpoint. This money serves no productive purpose other than lining the pockets of the state. Christian laws tend to be less enforced than laws now since the laws of God also incorporate forgiveness and rehabilitation.
Liberal leftist and atheistic views permeate law and allow judges to make unconscionable verdicts. One judge found a father guilty of child abuse for making his son walk home. Judges in this area give light sentences to people who deserve jail time while jailing people for protesting the state. A woman in her 30’s raped and molested two young girls and got a three year sentence. This is the “justice” of the left. They also do not see the merit in the death penalty which is the only way a murderer can pay for his or her crime.
If we want a moral, free, just and safer America than we must teach the bible in school. The bible does not make you a Christian only you can do that by personal choice. In fact it is much harder to choose to be a follower of Yashua than to have faith in evolution. Do not forget to SHARE! leave a comment if you like and God bless.