Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. My name is Robert H Eastman and I was born and raised in western PA. My Parents moved from the west coast, CA before I was born. I went to M.G.M or Monsignor Geno Monti of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic grade school. I was baptized as a Methodist, confirmed as a episcopal and went to Kennedy Catholic High school. I have read and studied the Book of Mormon, The Quaran, and JW. I have studied almost all of the major conspiracies we all have heard about from 9/11 to Flat earth. I started this site to provide an open avenue for the truth. This information has taken me years to compile and understand. I put this all together in the hopes you might have a easier time navigating the chaotic world we live in. I only post articles that I have proven beyond a reasonable doubt are true based on the Scientific method, Logic, Reason and Law. From the US Constitution and Declaration of the independence to the Pages of the bible, were ever the truth is, it will be found and brought to you. Please enjoy and do not forget to share!
PS: I know what I talk about on this site is controversial (thus the name). I also know that we are in a more tumultuous time then almost ever before. The climate of the main systems of control (private or government) is to lie, cheat and steal. Ignorance is a preferred trait in school graduates, by the people in Government and even in the schools themselves. Eventually I will be called a racist, sexist, insert insult here, ect. and that is fine by me. I love my fellow humans as Jesus (Yashua) Loved US. I will not apologize for wanting to address issues that effect us all. No matter who you are, you are FAMILY according to the bible. We can argue and get mad at each other, but at the end of the day we are still family. I love you all, God Bless.
- THIS IS THE END, you cannot run, you cannot hide you must face the truth or die.
- What does the NEXT DECADE look like?
- COVID; postmortem
- Why I do not wear a mask, anywhere, ever!
Library of older posts.
- The Pro-Choice illusion.
- Secret’s of Men and the Endangered Gentlemen.
- Proof of the Bible
- Better than youtube?
- How the Law makes Criminals.
- Are Hotel’s violating your rights?
- Evolution debunked.
- What’s wrong with the Black community?
- The Male standard and why we need it.
- The Truth about Dogs.
- The Equal Rights Amendment and why it is dangerous.
- The Drug war, and a price to high to pay
- Climate change.
- What is “Truth”.
- Chick-fil-A Restaurant of Faith.
- Dorian and weather modification.
- 21 Questions about Flat Earth.
- Rights come from God.
- Can you be Christian and LGBT?
- Reading to much into it.
- Trump is not Racist, but Obama is.
- Reasonable suspicion, Dangerous 1984 double think.
- 9/11 was a inside job