9/11 was a inside job

9/11 was a inside job.

It was 18 years ago when the world trade centers 1, 2 and 7 went down at nearly free fall speeds. If you paid attention then you may already know that building 7 fell in NY city just like WTC1 and WTC2. However the third building 7 was not hit by any plane.

Based on the visual evidence WTC 1 and 2 where hit by a military plane. The pentagon was likely hit by a missile. The visual evidence all points to a controlled demolition. There is no way that the laws of physics could just take a break for that one day in September.

The law of conservation of momentum states that energy of a falling object when it hits another will transfer some of that energy. There is also newtons law “for every action there is a equal or opposite reaction.”

For a collision occurring between object 1 and object 2 in an isolated system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two objects after the collision. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is equal to the momentum gained by object 2.


This means it is impossible for a small portion of a large building to fall, while accelerating, crushing all floors beneath it. That cannot happen without demolition charges clearing the way. These two videos do a great job of explaining the physics behind it. Watch time is 55 minutes in total.

The science is quite clear although I should mention that gravity is no more scientific than harry potter. Sir Issac Newton did not discover gravity, he invented it. Gravity is a man made belief system, just to prove it ask your local professor for a repeatable experiment showing orbit, rotation or just attraction. The laws of Buoyancy and density perfectly explain our world without the magical force of gravity.

9/11 was a false flag designed to take more of our freedoms from us. We must learn about these events and look for them in the future. The NWO (New world order) will do what ever it takes to take all of our rights including owning guns. We must remember history or we will be doomed to repeat it.

This is important so don’t forget to share it! Much love Yashua bless and have a great day!

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